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Non avevo dubbi che il nuovo sigma si comportasse bene con l'extender 1.4x III , spero che tu possa al più presto testarlo con l'extender canon 2x III. Credo che alla fine questa ottica la userai più con il 2x che con l'1,4x . L'extender 1.4x è ottimo quando avrai poca luce e non vorrai alzare gli iso . Con sensori aps-h e aps-c il sigma dà il meglio di se . ciao, lauro I had no doubt that the new sigma behaves well with the 1.4x extender III, I hope you can test it as soon as possible with the canon extender 2x III. I believe that in the end you will use it more with this in mind that with the 2x 1 4x. The 1.4x extender is great when you have little light and do not want to raise the iso. With sensors aps aps-h and aps-c the sigma gives the best of himself. hello, lauro
Hello Lauro! Most of the pictures in my Golden Eagle series are taken with the 1.4 III extender, a few without extenders. Infact we didnt have much light on my trip to the Eagle hide, so i didnt use the 2x ext. Next week im going to photograf Deer, then i will try it out Greetings Soren
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