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What is it worth, this old delfar Delft 9cm Lens?

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  4. » What is it worth, this old delfar Delft 9cm Lens?

sent on September 30, 2016 (20:36)

Hello everybody Cool

Does anyone know, how much worth does this Lens has?

Best regards from Switzerland

sent on October 02, 2016 (12:07)

Does no one know something about this lens?

sent on October 03, 2016 (0:17)

One of Leica-fit old times lens. The price would depend on the condition and to whom You are selling it - to the hipster-user or collectionner.

sent on October 03, 2016 (20:27)

So is it Leica? I wasn't sure.
Thanks for you answer... :-)

sent on October 03, 2016 (21:09)

It is a wild guess, judging from the photos, that doesn't say anything about actual screw or issue year. Take the M39 adapter and attach to it. If it fits, it is a Leica fit. If You want to use it to DSLR, You'll need a M39 to M42 and M42 to EOS adapter.

sent on October 04, 2016 (19:14)

Oh thank you for this input!
Got this Lens a few Weeks ago and would know more about. So i asked here...

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