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Lowepro Whistler BP 350 AW : Specifications and Opinions

Lowepro Whistler BP 350 AW

The Lowepro Whistler BP 350 AW is a camera backpack with space for up to 1 camera body and 3-4 lenses. It measures 29 x 30 x 53 centimeters and it weights 3.0 kg; these dimensions are compatible with the hand luggage limits of most airlines.

It has a rain protector and it is made in nylon and polyester. It has flexible and modular dividers; there is an external tripod holder. It has been in production from 2015 to 2021 (discontinued); the average price, when in production, was 270 €.
1 users have given it an average vote of 9.0 out of 10.

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Lowepro Whistler BP 350 AW, buy on Ebay Ebay

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sent on May 23, 2017

Pros: Capacity and quality as a whole (From what I see)

Cons: Too many straps

Opinion: I say, I do not own it, but I have one (Kata) similar. If you travel by plane, prepare to fight at check-in. With low-cost companies you can hardly let it pass as hand luggage. Personal Experience with Irish R. ...... With our A ......, never got bored.For the rest, great buy.rnYou can put all the equipment (or almost) that you have.rnLina

sent on May 23, 2017

Pros: Back access, great easy-to-clean fabric, plenty of compartments, great construction and protection for the equipment, access possible without having to support it.

Cons: Cost

Opinion: A great backpack that allows you to carry everything you need to get out in the day. Equipped with various removable straps that allow to hook up externally various equipment. Supplied with plenty of compartments and rain protection. You can also put some clothes on the waiver provided you can give up any portable or tablet PCs. It is a backpack that prioritizes photographic equipment so the space for generous comfort and clothing is minimal so it is not suitable for outbound expansions over time. Personally, I have chosen it for the appropriate size for embarkation as hand luggage without I have to deprive myself of a backpack that gives me the opportunity to take water, dirty etc ... rnCosta enough (paid about 260 € discounted) but in line with the competition ... they have now realized that if they put the word "photographic" they can quietly spennarci! : DrnPer me rating 9,5rnrnrnEdit in response to Lina's review: the straps too are all removable and once the backpack becomes a normal backpack. The only objection that possonOr do it in case of boarding as hand luggage and that, besides of course the content and the sizes granted. I have removed orange straps and set aside since I never use it. For the rest I traveled with J2, EJ and RA ... All low coasts and no obstacles. ;)


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