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Nikon AF-S 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G ED VR : Specifications and Opinions


The opinions of JuzaPhoto members who use this lens.. (Click here to come back to the main page of the Nikon AF-S 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G ED VR)

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sent on May 24, 2021

Pros: I will light, sharp, construction, MF, price of used, colors.

Cons: At the maximum focal point it lowers slightly sharply.

Opinion: Bought in conditions equal to the new one at 250 euros... and a good lens, crisp with very nice colors and a VR that works great... and a pleasure to use it also because it is not bulky... I use it both on ff and on apsc for stolen street or in the mountains... I have had it for 3 years and given the results that I have never felt the need to change it for the latest arrival ... you lower the sharpness slightly from 250 to 300 ...just close the diaphragm of 2/3 stop and you get more than good results ... clearly if you are looking for the blurry you have to go on 2.8 heavier and more expensive lenses, considering that it is a project of 15 years ago still does its job excellently even considering the cost! Good Nikon!!

sent on April 20, 2021

Pros: Sharpness, colors, low weight

Cons: Price for the category, loses when you get to the maximum focal points

Opinion: I bought this used lens because I found the price of the new one a little high. I call that an honest goal. For its band, it is not in pros, it is really appreciated. Excellent sharpness that only dilutes towards the most extreme focal points. The stabilizer works excellently allowing you to recover some stops. It's a little plastic, but it's in this range. I find the colors very pleasant. At the same time compared to the same focal points with the 18-70 kit you could easily see the higher quality in favor of the 70-300. On aps-c it becomes a fun lens with which you can also approach the world of photographic hunting without having too many pretensions. I said get closer... it is clear that other tools are needed to be in that world. Anyway, I appreciated it, sold only for switching to another system!

sent on March 17, 2021

Pros: Lightness, good yield and sharpness

Cons: A little dark, it must be taken at the right price

Opinion: Bought years ago on offer around 250€ (today on the used market it is also located for less), I used it for a long time and with satisfaction. It is an "entry level" lens and therefore must be evaluated as such, without having waits from a pro-range objective. The lens body is made of plastic, but the assemblies are good and the lens is solid but at the same time light and compact. The optical scheme is discreet and allows you to pull out sharp images at all focal points, also thanks to the stabilizer that works well. No problem with the AF either. To consider that at the maximum opening we are already at f 4.5, so not very bright. If purchased at the right price, it's a good canvas to get you started.

sent on October 16, 2020

Pros: And a regular lens, you can put it in the Backpack with a full format REFLEX, and you photograph what you want... To be a Nikon the price and in the norm, if it cost 100,00 €uro less it was better...

Cons: The cost 650.00 is too much... Otherwise, nothing... !!!!

Opinion: I took this lens to take away the satisfaction of going + light in the mountains, in walks for about 3 hours and not having + weights to carry... I can photograph everything, in the mountains I feel good, light useful with medium distance subjects. In the backpack of the Lowepro 55AW and adjust with a D300s there is comfortably mounted lampshed, when you need to pull out and shoot on the fly... The power of VR and regular hooks up to the flight right away, whatever its focal point, and the sharpness I find it Excellent at TA even in the woods ....!!! If you want to photograph subjects + small and far and Useful a Supertele and we already go on the heavy the 200-500 VR or the 50-500 SIGMA and the accounts do hurry to make them, + weight, + costs, + volume in the backpack ... So compromise and just what you want to photograph, for my photographic theme I am almost normal, wrapped I want to have together also a Supertele thing that I never have with me ... Greetings to everyone.... (MGNELLO)

sent on October 01, 2020

Pros: Autofocus very fast, exceptional sharpness, covers several focal distances, VR of 2nd generation PERFECT

Cons: For the product range has no defects. 10 and praise

Opinion: What about... Just two words, taken only by a day and I have to say that I am really satisfied, is worth every penny spent, a good goal, especially for what it costs and for the focals it covers. Maybe it sins a little in the blush. Basically it's light, and it handles well... Thank you Nikon! Third-generation VR seems to me to work really well. I used this lens on Nikon D750.

sent on May 19, 2020

Pros: Autofocus very fast, exceptional sharpness, covers several focal distances, VR of 2nd generation PERFECT, weight and small size...... I think it's enough and it's moving!

Cons: realization a little plastic, not pro but for the price range to which it belongs is there.

Opinion: Great Zoom lenses treated well there I do Air Show,football,nautical regattas from the edge, did not betray me, anyway to respond to someone who said that it is a dx is not true can also be used on the DX format and becomes a 450 mm very pushed on the Full Frame remains a 70/300, from 70 to 200 size like a razor loses a bit by kneading the image to the maximum focal AF very fast, low weight, handy quietly freehand even in low lighting situations, treated ED glass lenses that give high performance , the Vr brings the gain to 4 Stop, and much more, the price is affordable. Overall an optics to have in your kit. Happy owner if you want to take a look at the photos on my page taken At the Tricolor Arrows that I have been following for years are all or almost with the 70/300mm Vr2 f/4.5-5.6 G IF-ED.

sent on May 18, 2020

Pros: Autofocus very fast, exceptional sharpness, covers several focal distances, VR of 2nd generation PERFECT, weight and small size...... But you want more.

Cons: For the product range has no defects. 10 and praise

Opinion: I say that I am an amateur (but one who constantly studies both the theory and his own equipment and the same third-party). I mount the 70-300 VR on both my D7200 and my Nikon F5. The color yield, sharpness and stabilization are perfect. I say, but what are you still looking for? Obviously compared to the 70-200 f/2.8 we agree that the gap is obvious but that is a SIGNOR TELE that maybe is valued on pro bodies. The 70-300 VR as it goes well on the D7200 I think it also goes great on the bodies D7xxx, D750 and D780. I also own the dx 55-300 and the AF 75-300 F4-5.6 and I have to say that while they are both excellent canvases, the autofocus of the 70-300 VR is much faster and more accurate than the 2 (the sharpness of the 2 canvases is cmq slightly lower) then the same mounted on the Nikon F5 has an autofocus even faster and more accurate (so this means that the speed and accuracy of the AF depends not only on the lens but also on the machine body. To put it another way I wouldn't call it an amateur's eye (maybe the 55-300 VR yes). It depends on what work you have to do or what needs you have (maybe a PROFESSIONAL will obviously opt for the 70-200 f2.8). A 160-180mm f/11-13 ISO 100 with exceptional sharpness (.nef 24mpx post-produced file in JPEG files and the same croppato to pc 100% sharp 2nd generation VR works great on both photos and video (also the AF on video is quite fast) I took close-ups to my daughter at 190mm at 1/100-125 sec. freehand and the images were still, coming down still obviously there is the move but I must say that I consider myself satisfied. Finally I would strongly recommend this lens to those who own a machine body from the D7xxx onwards (for the previous series type D3xxx or D5xxx I think the 55-300 VR is fine) also for the price from used very affordable, but what matters is that already mounted on a semi machine body gives some really qualitative images.

sent on February 27, 2020

Pros: Good for full frame, low cost, good overall yield

Cons: none for the price range

Opinion: What about... I read reviews that I don't understand. 1. Also suitable for full frame! 2. Costs (used) 250 euros... 3. There are no other zooms in this price range with VR 4. ridiculous to compare it with optics that cost 5 times more 5. at 300 mm is quite sharp, just close to f/8 6. good bokeh, you just have to know how to use the distances between subject and background 7. I have it and I keep it!...

sent on February 27, 2020

Pros: It is the only one among the telezooms for DX that can produce a pleasant deadlift

Cons: It's not professional, it's for amateurs.

Opinion: It's a DX lens for APS-C so it can't be professional and doesn't have the characteristics. Let's say that when used with criterion you can have a nice detachment effect between subject and background. Forget the AF's performance because it's cheap. As soon as the sun sets, forget about taking decent photos, the autofocus no longer works well and the optical defects are amplified.

sent on November 24, 2019

Pros: Versatility, lightness in relation to the type of lens.

Cons: AF slow/which freezes often, unsatisfactory sharpness from 250 to 300mm, medium/low quality of materials.

Opinion: I have been using this 70-300 on Nikon D7100 for several years for motorsport photographs in racetracks. Overall it is not a bad product, however the very slow AF left me quite disappointed, it often hangs (2-3 seconds of stall) during focus and this is clearly a big problem if you shoot with moving subjects. The sharpest range ranges from 70 to 200mm, from 200 to 250 is decent and from 250 to 300 is not good. The materials used in my opinion are of medium/low quality, but still acceptable for the price range proposed at the time. The lens is not very bright, but this is normal given the maximum aperture of the diaphragm. Ultimately, I don't recommend this lens to those who shoot with moving subjects.

sent on August 24, 2019

Pros: Price of used

Cons: Dark and not versatile

Opinion: Lens that I didn't like and that I bought and resold right away. I found it dark and rather limited. I replaced it with a 28-300 with which I had a lot of fun, very versatile and with the same performance. I write "same" because I have not had the opportunity to compare them accurately, it could also be that the 28-300 is more performing. Definitely i'd go on 28-300 if I couldn't take an f/2.8 and stay on f/4.5-5.6. Ditto by weight and clutter: this does not make sense when the 28-300 has almost the same weight/clutter and a higher versatility. Definitely from its has the limited cost with which you buy it on the secondhand market.

sent on May 03, 2019

Pros: Versatility, relative lightness, price both in absolute and in relation to the quality

Cons: Not effectively multiplied (too dark, often the AF goes into the ball), not tropicalized

Opinion: A good versatile lens. The sharpness is good at the center aperture Little, it is necessary to arrive between F8 and F11 to have homogeneous sharpness. It makes the best between 100-150mm, good between 85-100 and between 150-200. At 70mm and at 300mm it's a little too soft for my liking. Good contrast and good colors, distortion quite acceptable given the excursion, some chromatic aberration. Discreet the VR, which works well although it is not a lightning to enter fully in operation. Personally the use on the road especially for portraits and landscape. I tried to use it in naturalistic, but it is better and generally needs a longer focal length. For portrait in studio I prefer the 85mm 1.8 D, for landscapes when I go specifically to make photos I prefer the 105mm f2.8 micro (flanked to 20mm f 1.8 g or the 24-70 f 2.8 g ed or 35mm f2d). But when I travel this lens is attached to my D600 as a second body (I don't use it on densest sensors like the d850, because it doesn't solve them as efficiently, on the travel d850 I mount the 24-70 F 2.8). Ultimately an honest lens that is at great prices, comfortable, sharp enough by diaphragming a bit and using it between 85mm and 200mm pulls out the best. Any better? Yes, but for my travel needs it is suitable.

sent on February 16, 2019

Pros: Excursion footprint

Cons: None of the relief

Opinion: I own this zoom and the Nikon 80-200 f 2.8 Inevitable A comparison: The 70 300 has from its: 1) the stabilizer-which works fine (verified 2/3 stop). 2) The weight and the footprint-compared to 80 200 are 500 gr less (in the long run). 3) The excursion-300 mm. Compared to the bighiera obviously loses brightness, sharpness (not bad as I read in other reviews but obviously does not have the sharpness of 80 200). Other note the zoom is extendable, so dust hazard. Ultimately it is an excellent compromise to have a versatile and light tele for long hikes, in contrast you give up a little bit of sharpness and quality. I tried it even with a Kenko teleplus 300 1.4 x and it becomes a 420mm F8 where daylight in full light I have no problems to focus, of course as soon as the light is focused F8 becomes difficult. Promoted.

sent on October 09, 2018

Pros: Compactness, lightness, VR

Cons: Noisy VR, sharpness at 300mm, construction materials

Opinion: It is a lens to which I have grown fond of it now for a long time. The positive aspects are undoubtedly the focal length up to 300mm, the lightness, the reduced measure at rest and an excellent stabilizer. I also recognize a good sharpness (not exaggerated) to the focal averages (closing a little bit) and in my opinion also (and it is not a little) a very nice contrast and decisive colors. Cons are a rather noisy VR (I agree with my predecessors), the low light (and also this is obvious), the material very plasticky (but that makes it more portable and becomes a topic "pro" if you are around for many hours) and the sharpness that drops at focal l Hungary up to 300mm. But despite its limitations compared to the most expensive professional lenses I have never been able to separate, it is always with me and if necessary does its job, very very good! I have to say honestly that I am sorry that this year is no longer in production. One more reason to find it at excellent prices in the used.

sent on May 11, 2018

Pros: STABILIZER-Lens Hood-AF Quick

Cons: Weight and of course having a focal from 4.5 to the brightness.

Opinion: A great zoom, especially for photos with natural light. Great for animal shots (birds on all) and closeups. The AF is fast and works fine. The stabilizer does its and is very useful at 300mm. The weight is a bit ' excessive but it benefits the compact, great lens hood, easy to dismantle and assemble. I use it often on the d7100 and I can not complain about this optics, also because used it is at a good price. Also ideal for nature photos such as sunsets etc. All in all a good compromise quality price. The difference is very much the stabilizer for which I recommend it.

sent on September 14, 2017

Pros: compactness, weight, good sharpness up to 200, price, VRII stabilizer

Cons: Sharpness drops to 300, brightness @ 300

Opinion: I took it with the d90 years ago, and now it follows me with the d600, with the stressful satisfaction. Of course you do not have to expect performance from fixed telephones or zoom from twice the price and weight but do it with honesty. I always say that this time nikon has wrong the price, down! Its compactness and weight makes it all the way back to the outputs, I have never been able to support it for this reason, heavier and bulky optics are home if you are not sure to use them. Recommended for "generic" use, you can take a picture of a gooseberry or a girlfriend but if one has the passion for one of these genres, it is better to have a more specific optic. The spotted is not that much, in my humble opinion. Great stabilizer.

sent on July 20, 2017

Pros: Excellent autofocus, excellent stabilization system, good sharpness, great value for money

Cons: Brightness

Opinion: A good telephoto lens that can give you great satisfaction. I use it prevalently for avifauna and I am finding it very well. It has a great MAF (it hooks up a volatile and does not spring it anymore), and an excellent VR system (except for well-acclaimed Parkinson's cases works fine) make it a great companion of shots. The sharpness is excellent at all focal points, of course you have to be able to handle the diaphragms on it, because unfortunately, here is its big neo, it is not a very bright lens. RIn optimal shooting conditions (with not too high ISO) it has a chromatic yield And a blur that I like a lot. I think that for the results you can consider a lens with great value for money.

sent on June 27, 2017

Pros: Fast AF, effective stabilizer

Cons: Noisy stabilizer, adequate sharpness, but less than expectations, especially for the fame that was made in the forum

Opinion: I had it for a short time, replaced the 55-300 in the transition from FX to DX. In spite of what is described in the forums, the yield is the same as the 55-300 (maybe maybe the DX was a little better). The Sigma 70-200 f / 2.8 OS with teleconverter is superior, especially in contrast. Autofocus is much faster, in a testbench the 55-300 used 1.4s, this 0.8s. The stabilizer is effective, although it seems lower than that of the 55-300. On the other hand it is quite noisy. Ultimately, an honest optic, with a valid autofocus, which I think in forums is a bit overvalued. Voting 8

sent on February 27, 2017

Pros: Robustness. Sharpness, even though more than 200 mm. We need to know how well dosed speed and aperture for the sharp images. color rendering. MAF fast. Great VR. Up to 200 does little to regret a fixed if only for luminostà. quality / price ratio good.

Cons: Shortly bright, but it is not a fixed and costs a third of the latter.

Opinion: I had tried several objectives-end "amateur" from the focal 55/70 - 300 and no one had satisfied because aberrations, poor sharpness and color rendering predominated and made me desist from, I had the patience to wait and I found used this target and I was thrilled. Really good value for money, great if used. I'm so pleased by the first shots, and I hope I can soon take advantage of his qualities at some event.

sent on January 03, 2017

Pros: Compact, practical, good construction and performance, for Fx and Dx, Vr

Cons: A 300mm loses a bit 'of sharpness

Opinion: Lens that allows you to experiment with different kinds of shots and with results ranging from good to very good. Ideal to get closer to nature photography without spending a fortune. A 300 mm must be careful to stop down to F8-F11 to get good results. In conjunction with the D7100 it is very precise in focus and very quick. Photographing in all conditions, I always got clean shots and free from defects. An important point in favor of this objective is the construction and reliability.

sent on March 10, 2016

Pros: focal length, focus speed and stabilizer

Cons: Brightness, weight and sharpness

Opinion: Goal with remarkable focal range, used in the halls for photographing basketball sporting events. 200 already lost a lot of sharpness, looking iso with a D90 I just get so much noise. very crisp outdoors instead, used to shoot arrows tricolor with a good result. A bit 'heavy for not having the bracket to the tripod in my opinion.

sent on November 05, 2015

Pros: Weight, ease of handling, stability, clarity and price.

Cons: Brightness, bracket for monopod.

Opinion: I'm nine years that I use with satisfaction. Recently I wanted to try to join him at the Sigma 70-200 f2.8 ums (first type), although the latter result and a good goal, but I had to sell compared the Sigma, because the Sigma without stabilizer is a little less usable and, in my opinion a bit softer at room temperature. I recommend both of APSC that on ff.

sent on November 05, 2015

Pros: Light, cheap, good quality

Cons: Nothing special

Opinion: I bought this lens and I put it to the test on a photo safari in Tanzania. It seems indeed a good choice. If used 200 mm f8 and has a very good detail, in my opinion. I also tested under extreme conditions like 1/40, 300 mm, ISO 4000, freehand, f 5.6. The sharpness is not the best but the result seems good. Nikon Thanks! RnIl VR third generation seems to me that works really well. I used this lens on Nikon D7100.rn

sent on October 21, 2015

Pros: fast in focusing, vr very useful, cost, silent motor, and clarity, and balance

Cons: the peso..forse, but with the D7100 is well balanced,

Opinion: is a month that I got it, having the 7100 is perfect then placing the reflex to 1.3, it becomes even more powerful, without losing sharpness, at least up to 250 ... before I had the ultrasound Tammi 70/300 but this is better, more practical and less bulk, taken up in the mountains is a stunner, very close without losing definitions

sent on September 09, 2015

Pros: speed focus, zoom range, vr able to compensate for low light

Cons: very soft over 200, dim

Opinion: A good goal, especially for what it costs and the focal covering. It should be stressed that used 300 lacks a bit 'of clarity. I'll be too picky, or I'll be accustomed too well with the Sigma 105 macro, but here are just a little sharp edges, at least up to f9. The focus is fast and accurate, vignetting 300 (fx) exists, but is resolved in PP. In short, with a view to have and to use up to 200 with satisfaction, pulling at most only in cases of real need. Obviously, compared with the 80-200 or 80-400 seem the worst, but costs half the first and a fifth of a second, so hats off! 8 vote.

sent on February 02, 2015

Pros: Excellent zoom range, a razor definition

Cons: Low light to 300mm, lens hood

Opinion: I own this light for about 5 years and I find it really good. Contrary to what others say, it seems to me exceptionally crisp and clear above 300mm f / 11, so much so that I use for astrophotography wide field mounted on a D7100, with better results than the old model dell'80-400 . Objective indispensable on vacation.

sent on September 22, 2014

Pros: focal length, light weight, excellent vr second generation, price, compact, quiet.

Cons: a little 'less plastic, soft after 200mm, luminosity'

Opinion: Found and bought on offer online, European guarantee 400 euro. money really well spent. already 'tried at night to 300mm freehand, could not believe my eyes. perfect choice. great for street STOLEN, partly because it is substantially lighter, and handling bene.rnnon good for rittrattistica, since it would take at least a 2.8 but everything else is fabulous. consigliatissimorn

sent on September 01, 2014

Pros: focal length, cost, and VR AF motor ultrasonic

Cons: Nididezza over 200mm.

Opinion: Tried for about 3 years, and after having squeezed well I can review it in serenità.rnVale what it costs, it's honest perspective, good for multimillion the world of telephoto lenses, the VR makes its job well and fast is the AF motor right .rnSi can range from portraits opening at RT for one blurred pleasant, hunting camera, but limited in distance to the subject and the focal length, from 200 to 300 mm decay is evident, is resolved by closing, but if the light is not great and climb with iso the final result decade. Use in zoo environment or protetto.rnDicono which is a bit dark, but I think it is not a defect, it is written on the barrel, then you already knows what you are buying, the criticism comes after use and the natural evolution of photographer, who realizes the limits of his lenses and by the time research the most appropriate to their needs or capacità.rnIl fact that there are many witnesses in the sale of the above, it is sicurously one of the best in the price range, but it has limitations that if you want to go beyond requiring an outlay ulteriore.rnDiscorso different if you stop the overall performance of up to 200mm, diventagià better perspective, although there are very valid better alternatives. rnIl classic zoom of first purchase, or the ones that push you towards mm and other investments, or changes gender and then his skills enough and avanzano.rn

sent on January 28, 2014

Pros: "Light", crisp, fast af, impeccable construction, exceptional stabilization (the real 4-stop guaranteed by Nikon)

Cons: a bit more brightness would not have failed.

Opinion: took only a few days and I must say that I'm really pleased, worth every penny. I come from a 80-200 f2.8 pump and apart from the brightness I have to say I do not regret it at all. I use it mainly for sports photography and the difference with the "Pompon" in terms of AF speed, maneuverability, and why not, sore arms at the end of the day, it should be all in favor of the 70-300.rnrnCONSIGLIATISSIMO!

sent on January 27, 2014

Pros: Construction Quality - Stabilizer lot quieter than rival Tamron - Tamron AF faster than rival

Cons: For its category, I think nobody. Maybe they could do a little brighter, at least f4-5, 6

Opinion: Taken today used at a great price after selling the Tamron 70-300 Di VC USD. Compared to the latter, there is no history in terms of build quality, silent AF and the stabilizer. The Tamron looks like a toy to the touch, this no.rnrnHo a D800, then the optical test will severissimo.rnAppena I do add my opinion.

sent on October 23, 2013

Pros: Sharpness up to 200mm VR excellent .. always ready and accurate ... cost is not excessive

Cons: It loses a little bit after the 200mm both in quality and brightness

Opinion: 70 300 This was my first zoom ... (or as I call it 105-450 when used on a DX sensor) .. for me it's a great zoom always very precise thanks to a nearly flawless VR and quality (up to 200mm) excellent ... Over 200 loses a little something in the quality and brightness ... The weight despite many covers focal lengths, is not excessive and the cost is affordable for those who want a great zoom without spending a fortune ..! ! Maybe a little flaw in focus that is sometimes a bit too "dry and hard." RNA I think a lens to always have in your bag when you're on you face and to never sell ... at least that there is no thinking about the 70 200 f2.8 with a teleconverter nice: D

sent on January 02, 2013

Pros: Very sharp between 70 and 200 mm.rnCompatto and light. VR very functional

Cons: A little 'soft at 300 mm. Blurred enough "hard"

Opinion: It 'a good telephoto if you want to stay light and not spend a fortune. The optical performance are good, considering the price. I use it along with a D300 and the combination is well balanced. But it was ok even with the VR D80.rnMAF fast enough and effective. rnEsteso to 300 mm all appears very solid (the inside of the lens comes out a lot and plus the length of the excellent lens hood supplied), however, use it for a while 'and is still perfectly ok.rnA my opinion consigliabilissimo is a handyman in your area.

sent on September 22, 2012

Pros: Lens 'agile' and lightweight, extremely sharp up to 200mm even at room temperature, inexpensive and good quality, good stabilizer that retrieves up to 4 stops (and not so to speak ..) Valdissimo even on full frame

Cons: Bokeh very nervous, the optical quality falls at the end of tour

Opinion: The 70-300 VR is a great zoom, relatively cheap and quality. E 'extremely resolvent 70mm up to 200mm and a little further .. after which slowly decreases and you need to stop diaframmarlo of 1 or more for quality. I've used it with D60, D90 and D700 and was found to be an excellent lens especially thanks to its VR partially fills that remains a dark lens. Recommended absolutely with a reserve on the yield of bokeh which is very nervous. It would be even better if it had a minimum distance of MAF shorter.

sent on January 20, 2012

Pros: Best quality / price ratio, VR, versatile, compact, FF.

Cons: Very few considered the cost: dim and lose some 'quality over 200mm.

Opinion: For me it is the best tele-zoom travel in the end consumer. It covers all the focal lengths from medium telephoto to telephoto. In relation to cost guarantees really good results. Especially between 70 and 200mm is sharp and resolute. The reduced dimensions allow to carry him everywhere. The wide range of focal lengths allows a wide variety of shots: between 70 and 135 is a large optical portrait, climbing the well is exploited in portraying subjects during travel over that to make photographic hunting. The stabilizer works well and is a great help for those who make reports and take in sometimes difficult conditions. The AF is precise, fast and quiet (obviously not at the level of optics pro). Flaw on the side brightness but on the other hand, the price would grow exponentially (as well as the size). Above 200 You need to be a little 'more attention during shooting because the performance drop. The 70-300 VR is never missing in my travel backpack, and the fact that it can also be mounted on FF I will set in for a long, long time.

sent on October 29, 2011

Pros: Excellent quality / price ratio. Excellent performance from 70 to 105. Compact.

Cons: The front part, which extends by increasing the focal length, perplexing on the mechanical strength. The optical performance decay after 200

Opinion: The angle of the field covered by this lens on DX digital sensor is equivalent to that of a 105-450mm, and a range that covers all the focal telephoto used, those from portrait to super-telephoto camera for hunting and sport . The objective is well balanced if used with a body DSLR class of D300, which has roughly the same weight of the lens. The motor Silent-wave allows a rapid focus, although not equivalent to that of the optics of the upper class (70-200 f/2.8 VR for example). Coupled with the 18-70 I used it on many trips and excursions where I wanted to be "light" with full soddisfazine.


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