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Reviews of cameras, lenses, tripods, heads and other accessories written by Ermoro

Microsoft Translator  The following opinions have been automatically translated with Microsoft Translator.

canon_7dCanon 7D

Pros: As already said by many a real rock, not 'a 1D but the construction and' excellent, very good size and sturdy feel, tropicalizazzione more 'than the height. Excellent viewfinder to be an APS-C with 100% coverage. Velocisticamente the best I've ever tried, even greater than 1DIII, thanks to the two DIGIC IV and support UDMA, so not only ecezionale a burst in RAW but longer stand-by practically absent. Price honest, even with the competition for a product that I can easily define semipro. AF Microadjustment.

Cons: Know enough about PP (work in IT so accustomed to the software) and I find the files in the 7D a little confusing, perhaps because of the resolution so 'high or just a sensor certainly not equal to that of a FF or a 1D . You have to be very accurate, "it clicks" and so avoid 'having to recover in PP too. Small adjustments to the RAW files make it possible for "solving" the shot in most situations. Filter AA a little intrusive, often shooting seems to be "soft" but the details are always very present. Learning time is not very short. The best of me now after 2 years of purchase. Almost necessary calibration Room Service or in the car AF. Showing a bit 'ups and downs, especially the MAF on distant subjects can' be critical in low contrast or backlight.

Opinion: Pros and cons between the best APS-C Canon, and Canon not only ... I have it now for 2 years and apart from a few too many sclerata and 'always behaved great, returning images of excellent quality'. Noise? Mah the grain produced by the sensor Gapless Canon and 'very end, which allows to maintain fine details in every situation. Lose some 'dynamic range above 2000 ISO, but after all the file is always very good. Of images for web (1200px) and on paper you always get good results (af sometimes dancer separately). Consigliatissima those who want something more 'evolved within the APS-C. For those who are 'novice or first DSLR better to wait, or take into account a lot and plan to take a very long time before you understand the defects and be able to meet the needs' of a sensor actually very dense, but with features from the first classroom.

sent on August 26, 2011


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