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Reviews of cameras, lenses, tripods, heads and other accessories written by Tony55

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nikon_d800Nikon D800

Pros: Great professional body, dynamic range, great resolution, ergonomics, colors, efficiency and a lot more

Cons: Nobody

Opinion: Hello everyone. I've been a member for a couple of years and when I have a few minutes of time I look out reading some reviews without ever having published anything. Leafing through the various pages I found myself here and being happily an owner of some nikons including the D800 I thought I would write my review as I mainly use the same camera as a professional (I deal with Graphics, advertising photography and more). What about a camera body like the D800? I would like to remember when a few decades ago the FM2 FE2 The F3 that I used for my photo shoots, were the masters and did not have the attributes of digital cameras in terms of metering, motorization, LCD viewer, software, image stabilization and much more. In spite of everything, the photographer carried out his professional service properly. Remember that the world is full of advertising images, photos in books of all kinds made using old analog SLRs. Today we find ourselves taking a census of monsters such as the D 600 750 800 810 850, to name a few, with a list of all the defects found. It makes me smile at the weight of how well we worked even then! My opinion is that a body like the D800 is only to be appreciated and has everything to be able to represent Perfection despite the subsequent cameras and today the mirrorless born only for Marketing reasons. I often compare images taken with the latest ones and I find no difference to confirm that to take a good photo you need creativity, good optics and a lot of commitment and craft. It is also true that it has now become a fashion to change digital a bit like mobile phones, so it is no wonder and manufacturers know it well. The D800 has no limits and produces images with a sensor that is still respectable today, capable of producing files comparable to the best of today. Well, I think he'll work with me until the end. For the rest, it's all talk. IRREPLACEABLE!!!

sent on November 14, 2023


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