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  4. » Macroglossum stellatarum

Macroglossum stellatarum...


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Macroglossum stellatarum inviata il 10 Gennaio 2019 ore 17:09 da Paolo Garagnani. 0 commenti, 451 visite. [retina]

con Olympus 1.4x MC-14, 1/640 f/8.0, ISO 200, mano libera.

Since the Panasonic announcement about their entry in the FF ring, there is a lot of questioning regarding the MFT death. I choose this shot to propose my 50p thought about it. I have Sony FF system and I love it, but I think that what you can do with MFT system in wildlife is simply impossible to obtain with FF. In this series of shot (but I got many others) I worked with an 840 mm (FF equivalent) handheld. Both autofocus and image stabilization worked remarkably. The weight of the this set (Olympus OM-D E-M1 II, 300 f4 and 1,4x MC) is a breeze if you consider focal length and aperture. The cost of the whole package is really affordable and represents a revolution in nature photography allowing non pro photographers to get long reach lenses . I tried for years to catch this tiny, hysteric moth but with FF I wasn't able to get any decent shot. I am not a skilled photographer and with Oly I was successful at the first attempt. I think that nowadays there is a plenty of crazy good photographic tools, every brand have their own strength and weakness, but all of them are overall very very good. I hope that Oly survive the FF hype and migration, because I think that if MFT disappear this will make the photographic world significantly poorer.

Vedi in alta risoluzione 10.7 MP  

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