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Experiments in Light - Light Painting...

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Experiments in Light - Light Painting sent on August 24, 2014 (22:00) by Fedemini. 7 comments, 822 views.

, 15 sec f/16.0, ISO 100, tripod.

Prime prove di light painting. Critiche sempre apprezzate.

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sent on September 12, 2014 (18:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Soooo beautiful effect of light!
But can I ask what you used?
Interesting though, bravo bravo! ;-)
A greeting


sent on September 12, 2014 (20:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Alex, are the first experiments, I used a 3-LED flashlight and then you make the mad for 15 seconds of exposure, it is very funny and seems to paint a picture I suggest you try it takes a little:-D

sent on September 12, 2014 (20:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It is the second I saw them and I knew the technique of light painting (I've also used it in any other way) .. heck certain that I want to try it myself !!! :-D
Where did you get that torch them?
You say that the recovery on ebay or something? And the colors are interchangeable?
I'm curious like a dog in church !!! Ahahahah;-)
However, it is a nice effect, congratulations again-)

sent on September 12, 2014 (20:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Depending on the effect you want to achieve of course you had to change the light source, so if you want a sudden end you have to use a flashlight or even a single LED and vice versa if you want the wider beam torches bigger, the color of the sheets or take type of tissue paper color you prefer and fixed them with a rubber band or go to photoshop :)
My twist specifically if you are interested in is a simple Varta 3 LEDs that are in briko or other shop like this, I am now preparing to test with finer strokes to see the effect. :-)

sent on September 13, 2014 (8:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Last question, then I swear I'll break more:-D you were behind the beam of light (and of course not because you came out underexposed) or behind the camera and painted it on a wall?
The flashlight is, I present what is, and the idea of ??a sheet of colored tissue paper is really smart, then the limit to accentuate the color and contrast via the PS, so having already I also a LED flashlight (with beam light zoomable) I could use that and see if it comes out better with the narrow beam or largo..mmm, as soon as I get the 6D I try;-)
Meanwhile I get the card:-D
Meanwhile, thanks for all the explanations Faith! ;-)


sent on September 13, 2014 (9:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

You you're in front of the car and "paint" on the lens, as if I were a self-timer, then with this technique you can do other nice pictures of Bosai type that you see in this gallery is always using the same technique except that the subject spennelli .

sent on September 13, 2014 (10:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Ok, as I had imagined! ;-)
It is one of the bonsai I saw, and I knew that you had used a torch that has been created by the shadow on the wall behind the subject-)

But I've just used to expose a picture because I was in a dungeon and with the flash and 30sec exposure I had good results.
Check it out if you happen to pass through my galleries, is in the gallery of Mombello with the name "the underground whisper," here, that image is all lit up artificially with the technique of light painting;-)

Anyway I'll keep you updated as soon as I put into practice your advice;-):-D

RCE Foto

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