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Matrimoni e ritratti

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buh! sent on August 07, 2014 (22:59) by Igor78. 3 comments, 1156 views. [retina]

, 1/1000 f/1.4, ISO 200, hand held.

Arrivava a testa bassa, poi le ho fatto "BUH!" La luce era cupa a causa del temporale in arrivo... Lieve ritocco in post produzione. Critiche e commenti bene accette!

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1 person like it: Ikhnusa78

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sent on November 24, 2014 (17:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello I am participating in a re-evaluation of the forum about the comments, I try to tell my, I hope it gives pleasure, I will assess your photos according to this lineup:

1. Technique: the focus is not 100% on the eyes, you have focused on the hair front, I guess in a portrait "stolen" not had the time or how to control it, so it's not a big deal because the image is still very enjoyable.
2. Composition: the selective focus I really like, but the subject is not it right, it left it to the center of the composition, were you a little cut off the right side of the image to bring the subject well center. if we want to find the nit I would try to put my hands in the composition.
3. Blow d 'eye: theresponsiveness and timeliness is everything in the photos of children, in this case it seems to me that the moment caught is very playful and enjoyable.
4. Creativity: "pose" very classic but successful
5. Post-production: the post production is successful, does not disturb it is too incisive, has been used to give some punch to the image, well done.
6. Strength of the subject: the kids would always touch the heart, and this wonderful little girl also speaks through the screen:-D
7. Strength of 'author: I gave a look at the photo gallery, your cut is firm but gentle, I like it very much!

Obviously I do not think they have the truth in my pocket, I tried to write a comment about what they think ofthe picture, I'm curious to know what you think! Hello
good light

sent on November 24, 2014 (22:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Fishing lines Thanks, I really appreciate your comment!
In fact meet on the terrace which was come running head down, stop, aim, her BUH! and take it not allowed me to take good aim, it to take a few moments to take in the first frame that something extra that is, in fact missing, such as the hands, or as much of the air around that would allow me maybe to cut it in a more balanced ...
As for the post production is really very little, in fact I'd like to create that atmosphere that makes the soft Shumilova, but we are light years away, both for equipment and for "handle" for skills in post production, but the effect I liked and then I saved so ...
In effect then the light was, as I described in the caption, grim, because of temporaland it was coming type bomb of water, so it's more or less the real atmosphere ...

Thank you also for the transition to the gallery!
Nice this way of comment on photos, is a revolutionary movement to which you can join? :-D

Hello and Good Light to you too!
Thanks again!

sent on November 25, 2014 (5:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Sure! We're pretty much talking about here:

In practice is to take a photo, (day, week, month) based on time, whether we like it or not we like it and comment on it on the basis of that ladder you've seen before!

RCE Foto

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