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| sent on January 20, 2012 (12:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
what about ... different, so I really enjoy the background color is very in tune with the subject maybe, I repeat maybe, I lowered the lights a little to recover readability boundary of the wings however, for what concerns me: compliments hello che dire...diversa e quindi mi piace molto il colore dello sfondo è particolarmente in tono con il soggetto forse,ripeto forse, avrei abbassato un poco le luci per recuperare leggibilità al contorno delle ali comunque per quello che mi riguarda : complimenti ciao |
| sent on January 20, 2012 (12:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I'm speechless, a fantastic light, magic Cromie and backgrounds. But I would see shooting vertically. Many, many congratulations, an incredible emotion. Sono senza parole, una luce fantastica, Cromie magiche e che sfondi. Vedrei pero lo scatto in verticale. Tanti, tanti complimenti, una emozione incredibile. |
| sent on January 20, 2012 (12:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I agree with both comments, very special, maybe I would have more space to the right legacy. Beautiful colors. Compliments Concordo con entrambi i commenti, molto particolare,forse avrei lascito più spazio a destra. Colori stupendi. Complimenti |
| sent on January 20, 2012 (12:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The recovery of licenide seems good, but I see the color a bit 'too saturated and unnatural. The cut would have conceived vertically. La ripresa del licenide mi sembra buona, il colore però lo vedo un po' troppo saturo ed innaturale. Il taglio l'avrei concepito in verticale. |
| sent on January 20, 2012 (13:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A photo very beautiful that it is worth printing .. For what concerns the saturation if they see a lot of images that are more saturated and unnatural glorifying level Art .. This for my taste it is much less, although there is a slight predominance of yellow Una foto molto bella che vale la pena stampare.. Per ciò che riguarda la saturazione se ne vedono di immagini molto più sature ed innaturali che vengono osannate a livello di Arte.. Questa per i miei gusti lo è molto meno, anche se c'è una leggera dominanza di giallo |
| sent on January 20, 2012 (15:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The colors and atmosphere are outstanding, congratulations! I colori e l'atmosfera sono veramente eccezionali, complimenti!!! |
| sent on January 20, 2012 (18:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you all!! Grazie a tutti !!!!!! |
| sent on January 20, 2012 (21:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I am not convinced as the composition of the roost put that way, but the photo is really impact the atmosphere and the colors are really beautiful :-) non mi convince tanto la compo con il posatoio messo così,però la foto è veramente d'impatto,l'atmosfera e i colori sono veramente belli |
| sent on January 20, 2012 (23:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Michael. The roost was in that position and I did not (and could not) touch. Grazie Michela. Il posatoio era in quella posizione e non ho voluto ( e non potevo ) toccarlo. |
| sent on January 21, 2012 (11:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I did not mean to cut ilposatoio and put it otherwise, I do not use them even the Plamp :-) I intended to turn the car:-D type or so, however, moving it more to the right so that the butterfly was not quite accurate in the center of the frame, maybe being a little higher with the roost, or put everything on the diagonal, but always turning the camera:-D hello non intendevo tagliare ilposatoio e metterlo diversamente,non li uso neppure io i plamp intendevo girare la macchina tipo o così però spostando tutto più a destra in modo che la farfalla non fosse proprio precisa nel centro del fotogramma,magari stando anche un pò più alti con il posatoio,o mettere il tutto sulla diagonale,però sempre ruotando la fotocamera ciao |
| sent on January 21, 2012 (13:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
the photo is fabulous. including dominant. actually even though natural and therefore not moved, would be better off vertically, try rotating the frame. rather, the background would become vertical, rather than horizontal, in this case, better to leave it. good these colors captured. la foto è favolosa. compresa la dominante. effettivamente anche se naturale e quindi non spostato, starebbe meglio in verticale, prova ruotando il fotogramma. piuttosto, lo sfondo diventerebbe verticale, invece che orizzontale, in questo caso, meglio lasciarlo così. ottimi questi colori catturati. |
| sent on January 21, 2012 (15:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Yes, Michael, I understand what you mean ... but I tell you the truth, I have not had much time to think. Spurted from one flower to another without giving me much time to think ... In fact, you're right. With a different slant the image would have earned. Thank you for your considerations. Thanks to you Pikappa. Hello Si, Michela, ho capito cosa intendi dire ma...ti dico la verità, non ho avuto molto tempo per pensare. Schizzava da un fiore all'altro senza darmi molto tempo per ragionare... In effetti hai ragione. Con un taglio diverso l'immagine avrebbe guadagnato. Grazie per le tue considerazioni. Grazie anche a te Pikappa. Ciao |
| sent on January 23, 2012 (14:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
When I look at shots like that I forget the technique and analyze the shot for what it shows me. I must say that the composition and the colors are really nice and deliberately marked. The artistic aspect should not be forgotten, does not mean distort reality but give a personal touch painting of the same. I think here there is this. HELLO Quando guardo scatti del genere dimentico la tecnica e analizzo lo scatto per ciò che mi mostra. Devo dire che la compo e le colorazioni sono davvero belle e volutamente marcate. L'aspetto artistico non va mai dimenticato, non significa falsare la realtà ma dare un tocco personale pittorico della stessa. Penso che qui ci sia ciò. CIAO |
| sent on January 24, 2012 (11:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Maxspin73 Thanks Larossa ... Thank you for these wonderful comments. Grazie Maxspin73 Grazie Larossa... Grazie per questi bellissimi commenti. |
| sent on March 01, 2012 (13:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
questa è "artemacro" o "macroarte" bravo mino compli ciao roberto |
| sent on March 01, 2012 (18:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Grazie Roberto ! |
| sent on April 06, 2012 (10:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The "hot" is perceived cookery ... Congratulations on the composition and colors ... Il "caldo" si percepisce belissimo... COmplimenti per la compo ed i colori... |
| sent on April 09, 2012 (22:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A 'great atmosphere, Congratulations. Hello. Alessandra Un' atmosfera splendida,Complimenti. Ciao. Alessandra |
| sent on April 10, 2012 (11:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Master! Thanks Alessandra! Grazie Mastro ! Grazie Alessandra ! |
| sent on November 21, 2012 (22:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Quoto in toto Maxpin73 Quoto in toto Maxpin73 |
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