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  4. » On the way of silence

On the way of silence...

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On the way of silence sent on May 07, 2014 (18:02) by Commissario71. 82 comments, 6615 views.

, 1/250 f/5.6, ISO 200, hand held.

E' proprio il silenzio quello che mi ha colpito la mattina del 2 maggio 2014 ,sulla stessa collina dei cipressini di S.Quirico,teatro la sera prima di furibondi scontri tra fotografi del tramonto,che se le suonavano di santa ragione a colpi di canon contro nikon,cavalletti contro monopiedi,e teleobiettivi contro grandangolari.Sul campo nessun superstite,siamo arrivati tardi io e mia moglie ,nulla si è salvato neanche i colori che sono inesorabilmente spariti lasciando il posto alla foschia e al grigio dele nuvole cariche di pioggia. L'unico sopravvissuto è stato questo frate di passaggio lungo la via Francigena.Mentre lo vedevo arrivare non mi sembrava vero..un miraggio..si è fermato..puonciorno (in chiaro accento germanico)..buongiorno (in chiaro accento emiliano)..estrae un'improbabile cartina stropicciata ,una fotocopia sgualcita e mi chiede:tttorenniero? si torrenieri esatto laggiù! da questa parte Siena mentre di là...con un gesto della mano mi indica di fermarmi..a lui interessava solo sapere se era sulla strada giusta..tutto il resto non serviva...ci risalutiamo con gli stessi accenti di prima ..si gira e si incammina senza voltarsi immerso probabilmente nei suoi pensieri di pellegrino,in compagnia solo del suo silenzio. E' questo il mio modo per raccontare questa magnifica terra fatta fondamentalmente di pochi elementi che la natura e l'uomo sono stati capaci di combinare con eleganza,semplicità e umiltà.

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sent on May 07, 2014 (18:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very beautiful, intense

sent on May 07, 2014 (18:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

An image and a story that complement each other. Having walking trail of 800 kilometers of the Camino de Santiago, I have experienced many moments like this, where everything that busies in life disappears and is replaced by the one step after another.
An invitation that I always do to those who ask me what I learned on the Camino, is to know how to wait. Even when the sun goes down, even when the storm clouds roll in, always wait a moment more, one more step. And often we find what we were looking at that moment, and this photo it is a beautiful testimony.

sent on May 07, 2014 (19:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

very nice

I like that piece of road that ends and leaves you open the imagination of where to go

thanks for the story


sent on May 07, 2014 (19:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Atmosphere of other times. Congratulations!

sent on May 07, 2014 (21:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

How not to share the thought of ... Emiliano, already the picture speaks for itself in the dark and silent space where the friar with his backpack equipped seems to move towards another era (a little to the "we can do is cry": - D) ..., a situation exploited and told the best full of senses and meanings. Chapeau!

sent on May 07, 2014 (21:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice ... the whole, the story!

sent on May 07, 2014 (21:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Dear Simone, definitely some of the photographers that you mention a clash between the more and were rewarded find a glimpse of sunset .......
But nothing to do with your little tern!! This is a master stroke!

I really like your framing the subject in focus with the road and gradually more and more blurred and lost in the infinite sky.

This photo has a beautiful message, send peace, but also strength and faith!

Were you able to make a shot of a landscape photo from street!

And we all know how hard it is.

sent on May 07, 2014 (22:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations Simone for both the photo is for the story. I see your picture in this thought Ando Gilardi and his poem "Do not shoot" where teaches us that a good picture should be motivated by the illusion of being able to create with this shot and have been shown to see beyond the "banality" of a sunset burning or landscape "breathtaking." Have you been able to draw a picture much "charge" of a situation that many would have discarded. In this case, the earth and man are the key players; two elements that are in conflict but living in symbiosis, one can not do without the other. The one gives us sustenance and welcomes us to the end of our journey, the other grows, care and try to keep it to hand it down to future generations. Even the title is apt for me because this path between the two subjects have in common the language of silence, the land speaks forhalf of its fruits silent, the man grows in silence with the payment of his sweat. I left infect from your writings and when I start I can hardly stop. Congratulations again, shooting very deep.
Hello Simon.

sent on May 07, 2014 (22:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I find it all beautiful and very excited. ;-) ;-)

sent on May 07, 2014 (22:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Photos and exciting story. If you let me tell you, "Well done."

sent on May 07, 2014 (22:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Guys, as a start I have to say that I am almost moved :-|
My only aim in photography is not to impress the observer, I would not be even able, partly because the web is full of stunning images, perfect in every way, but I think that many times are blank, without character or meaning, we do not perceive what the author wants comunicare.Quello bothers me when I propose an image is just to be able, even in the slightest smear, attracting the attention of details that often escape us or we consider them to conto.Non not even want to believe to succeed in this ever my intent, but I guarantee commitment is always the most you are able to support, and when I read some comments, sincere and articulate as any I've read tonight, I think especially in my own little happy, even sand will be the only ones that I receive.
I thank you all for having perceived the purpose of this image was born from the case and certainly fortuitous encounter with the monk, but soon realized in my head since I became aware of his arrivo.e the fact that despite present technically some gaps, have appreciated the equally makes me even happier.
Now just because then I say throw me too
I salute you

without taking away anything to anyone, I particularly appreciate the intervention of Paul with that in the past I had some exchange of opinion on some (but only then does it compare to best) and of course ;-) Richard that every time I comments on a photo I literally enchants with its beautiful words., Sooner or later I will meet you in person I swear:-P

sent on May 07, 2014 (22:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Andera, @ Clara, as usual, are slow and long to write, and while composing my novel you're there too.
I am glad that this has not left indifferent
a greeting, simone

sent on May 07, 2014 (23:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Distance from the Marche ... if you make a whistle! :-D

sent on May 08, 2014 (0:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful shot, I especially like the cultured atmosphere, very apt post-production (in line with the shot)
and I also really liked the story.
Hello, MM

sent on May 08, 2014 (1:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Poetry 8-)

sent on May 08, 2014 (7:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful in many respects, has in the components that go far beyond a simple shot, but make it a short story, I would say a representation of life and its mysteries to be addressed and discover ... the subject is being human walking on an unknown path visible for a short distance, joined by a path oldest ... and then a sequence of plans fade in different shapes and colors as they are different experiences that fate riserberà be tackled step a step without knowing where you will, but the will to live and go over every inch ...
Maybe just call it landscape is an understatement:-D
Congratulations Simone :-)
Hello, Henry

sent on May 08, 2014 (7:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

We touched that morning, but I've only found them at dawn fog and photographers ;-):-D, sometimes photographic opportunities present themselves when you least expect it and in the most varied mofdi, you've been great to take this.
Congratulations, hello.

sent on May 08, 2014 (7:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

a beautiful photo and a beautiful emotion compliments.

hello Jerry

sent on May 08, 2014 (7:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Large beautiful photos and great good meaning!

There is everything!

sent on May 08, 2014 (8:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Bravissimo! I think it's one of your most beautiful pictures posted, an immense depth (in all senses). Sometimes (only sometimes, or I'll mount the head:-D:-D) I think and feel that you have a sensitivity significantly higher than the municipality.
Just tell me one thing: it is blurred because the lens or have had a hand in PP? Just out of curiosity, it seems different from what you might normally give a goal even if it took in 5.6 (maybe I'm wrong at large).
hello Massimo

RCE Foto

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