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Bokeh sent on February 24, 2014 (20:17) by Afrikachiara. 95 comments, 8746 views.

, 1/4000 f/3.2, ISO 100, hand held.

#BiancoeNero #MagicoSfocato #LaMiaFotoPreferita #Gocce #Drops

View High Resolution 16.1 MP  

239 persons like it: 1niko, Alago, Albieri Sergio, Alchie, Alefa, Alessandro Murgia, Alessandro Schieppati, AlessandroA, Alessio Costa, Alessio Cuccurullo, Alessio.caria, Alex6777, Alfio Prato, Algebrico, Andrea Paolini, Angeloclandestino, Anonima.genovese, Anto19, Antonio Ciaccio, Antonio77, Arkheope, Arnaldo42, Bal, Banner, Batcaius, Beatricecapone, Bellatrix1981, Beppeverge, Biggythemyte, Bozzilla, Briè, Bruno Martina, Camporeale EV, Carlo Bassi, Carlo C. Brognoli, Cassiopeo, Caterina Bruzzone, Caterina D.M., Cavaadri, Chiara Andolfatto, Cioccolataia, Ciotto, Ciska, Claudio Cozzani, Claudio Rena, Cons 99, Conti Cristiano, Coralsi, Cosiminodegenerali, Cosmosub, Cristina Giani, Cryber, Dago56, Damiana Rusconi, Daniela Mnt, Danieleg, Dantes, Dario_ma, Davide Dainelli, Davide Menegatti, Davide_Palmisano_cicciopettola, Decris, Diego.armando.parafango, Dom95, Donna, Duri, Egargiulo, Egio, Elena Bass, Emozionevisiva, Enzotto76, Eros Penatti, Estreeter, Fabio Castagna, Fabio Paolucci, Fabrizio Federici, Farhad906, Fastpaul, Fe e Ri, Federica Rausse, Federico_28, Filiberto, Fiorenzo Fiorenza, Flaber70, Fotografarti, Francesco Di, Francisco Negrin, Franco Levi, Franco Molinari, Fulvio Gioria, G777bo, Gabri80, Gabriele Castellari, Gabriele Mauri, Gagarose, Galli Massimo, Giangi Mary, Gianluca Maria Bighelli, Gianni Lettieri, Giobatta, Gioberfoto, Giorgiaschuma, Giorgio Meneghetti, Giovanni e Davide, Giovanni Magli, Giovanni Riccardi, Giovannini Italo, Giulia K., Giulietta Cazzaro, Giuseppe Cancemi, Giuseppe Guadagno, Goman, Gpierocompostela, Gramilu, Guelfo, Guz, Hiromatsu, IlBardo, Ilboblumbard, Jacopo Costantini, Jamphoto, Jasmine52, Jem, Jessy68, Jj_ale, Jypka, Karim Cuberli, Kusanb, L'aspirante..., Lamberto, Livio Frega, Lory04, Luca Alessi, Luigi Bassi, Luigi Casetta, Luigi Mossali, Luky-luky, Lulù, Lully, Lured60, M.maculan, Magiacarlo, Malheig, Mallamaci Giovanni, Mamaroby, Marchese75, Marco Renieri, Marco50, Marcofer81, Maria Adele, Marta Puppi, Marvin, Massibi, Massimiliano Mormile, Massimo Soldani Benzi, MatteoGroppi, Maurizio Junior Gabbi, Maurizio Pietro, Mauro Giudice, Mauro Monesi, Mauryg11, Max Abberline, Maxange, Maxeivy, Maxfuji, Maxspin73, Mcs_63, Medri Silverio, Michela Checchetto, Micr0chip, Mnardell, Nadir Francesco Capoccia, Nebbiolo, Nerone, Nessunego, Nevio Saule, Nfart, Nibbles, Nickburen, Nico Vit, Niconico681, Nicuz, Nikcola, Obadessa, Odysseus, Otellopsr, Paogar, Paola76, Paolo Dessilani, Paolo Fabene, Paolo Fotoceschi, PaoloTrigo, Patrizio Rigobello, Pierangelonoscardi, Piero Trinchero, Pietro Martin, Pietro Veivolo, Piotr70, Piux, Politiz29, Poppi81, Quellolà, Renato Urbano, Ruzza Stefano, Salvo L. G., Sandro 55, Sandro Mosca, Sandros49, Sanja, Sasasicilyuno, Scapino, Scarlet, Sdm, Sergio Levorato, Sergioen, Sevcik, Sg67, Silo78, Simona Loredana, Simone Rossi, Stefania Saffioti, Stefano Marangoni, Stefano Masala, Stefano Ruiu, Stefano1969, T.m.grazia, Tan, Teorema, Tifotetano, Tito 1960, Tiziano Ferlanti, TwoOwl2, Valbonesi, Vitino, Zagor75, Zeddeg, Zillao65, Zman, Zua87


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sent on February 24, 2014 (20:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

One word ... beautiful ... ...

sent on February 24, 2014 (20:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice and beautiful white and black

sent on February 24, 2014 (20:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

In my opinion the B & N is the maximum photographic expression and you manage in the best way.
Hello. Arnaldo

sent on February 24, 2014 (21:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Never easy flowers in bn, it serves will always find light and originality that I see here.

sent on February 24, 2014 (21:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Another pearl of beauty! :-P It seems that the flower attracts about whether the flare of light in the background and then transform them into dew:-P

sent on February 24, 2014 (21:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

An infinite thanks to all of you dear friends for the wonderful comments!
Greetings Pierangelo, brie, Arnaldo, Max and Fabri! ;-)

sent on February 24, 2014 (22:27)

Light... drops... really wonderful! CoolCoolCool

sent on February 24, 2014 (23:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Jypka! :-) :-) :-)
Bye bye!

sent on February 25, 2014 (0:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

looks that you are not exempt from the comments that I have reserved to giuseppe gain. you belong to that category, with any poor quality iron you are in his hands, you can make wonderful shots of high quality '. no offense h. teacher:-P:-P also this photo is gorgeous, excellent bn bokeh and the background "cloudy." I do not add altro.wow!
hello chia soon stefano

sent on February 25, 2014 (0:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

This b / n has something magic .... the bokeh so bright and readable gives further refined beauty to a subject already well and originally interpreted by you.
Another shot, IMHO, to be included among your best ;-) 8-)
A hug complimentary (and loving):-P

sent on February 25, 2014 (5:32)

My compliments for a pro photographic eye that can see and record this beauty. Hello

sent on February 25, 2014 (7:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice, excellent management focus.
A great photo, congratulations.
Hello, Charles.

sent on February 25, 2014 (8:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

hello Clare
let me for a moment to break away from the concept flower macro + (which, on tiptoe timidly and try to get closer :-|) ... here, to my taste, it is clear the outstanding artistry of the shot and the PP, the backlight, the blur that creates a sunny sky, flares that become clouds ... or the flower that becomes a maritime pine and sun-kissed shades and protects those who relaxes at his feet ....

sent on February 25, 2014 (10:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very particular and graphics, beautiful picture, congratulations.

sent on February 25, 2014 (11:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

wow! bellawow! bellawow! bellawow! wow wow! hello

sent on February 25, 2014 (12:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

An alien well again, excellent contrast and sharpness and richness of detail.

sent on February 25, 2014 (13:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A very special shot. Nice b / w.
Well done as always dear Chiara!

sent on February 25, 2014 (18:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Stephen Masala
Hello Stè, ??continues to make me laugh with your very nice comment ...
you belong to that category, with any poor quality iron you are in your hands, you can make wonderful shots of high quality '...
Thanks buddy!

@ Michela Checchetto
Thank you dear Michael, I really like when you talk about
refined beauty
! :-)
A warm hug,

sent on February 25, 2014 (18:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Zman
Thank you so much for the beautiful Zman comment! ;-)

@ Carlo62
Hello Carlo, your compliment is more than welcome! :-) :-)

@ Flaber70
Hello Flavio, you know what I thought reading your beautiful comment? For a person who reads a shot and it says so gentle, caring, sensitive and tender ... it should not be hard to make it happen! ;-)


sent on February 25, 2014 (18:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A heartfelt thank you dear Catherine, Italo, Pennabianca and Lulu for the visit and comments welcome!
Hello hello, Clare

RCE Foto

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