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  4. » Greek orthodox priest

Greek orthodox priest...


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Greek orthodox priest sent on January 23, 2014 (19:12) by Giovanniceccarelli. 3 comments, 1291 views.

1/320 f/2.8, ISO 6400,

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sent on January 23, 2014 (22:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Wonderful intensity expressed by the face of this man. I also really like the work you've done in drawing, with this black that only adds to this beautiful face. I seem to notice some small uncertainty in the development of the beard, which, however, detract from the beauty of this portrait. Compliments.

Hello Sergio

sent on January 24, 2014 (10:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Sergio! Thanks for the ride!
The processing is done very minimal, I managed to get this black'' background'' almost completely during shooting (perhaps more by accident).
There was very little light and I underexposed to avoid camera shake .. I only recovered a little 'face darkened slightly and the background!

Can I ask you how agiresti beard? Sharpness?

Thank you!

sent on January 25, 2014 (16:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello John, and I'm sorry if I'm wrong in assessing this photo, thinking you were intervened in post. In any case it was not a criticism, indeed .. as far as I made a post with taste, skill and ability has the same value and requires the same talent that seve to take a picture.
It makes me smile when I happen to read the blog in which he would like to ban, arguing that it distorts reality:-P as if it could exist a reality in photography:-P a camera would not recognize even the colors if we do not provvedessimo White balance wow! and, curiously, no one ever considers the BN as a form of processing, extreme for me. I am firmly convinced that the development is only a half times more available to the photographer, to be able to fully express what wants to tell with a photo.
Anyway, to answer your question (assuming you are certainly not an expert in this field) I would say that no, I would act on the sharpness. The barbs are always difficult to treat, especially the white ones and flowing like this: sharpening, in my opinion, would have an impact too unreal. The small imperfection of which I wrote myself I would point out to the edges, where the white beard meets the black of the background. Unable to work on brush at this point, too jagged .. I think there are only two possible solutions: first, apply successive layers of curved slightly darkening, until you get the desired effect, taking care to schermarne however, the effect on the face and on the central part of the beard, and the second, to apply a filter vignetting, very strong but well balanced, I would prefer this solution since it is able to produce a very natural and smooth.

Forgive the digression, and if I used your space to express my thoughts :-|, and again my congratulations for your excellent this portrait.
Hello Sergio

RCE Foto

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