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| sent on November 20, 2013 (14:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Always pleasant these colors. The trunk readable unlike the last time does not bother you at all, but I think it is well within the context, if the leaf at the top would have inserted all cloned or otherwise, so it seems to me ugly severed. Sempre piacevoli questi colori. Il tronco leggibile a differenza della volta scorsa non disturba affatto, ma mi sembra che ben rientra nel contesto, eventualmente la foglia in alto l'avrei inserita tutta o altrimenti clonata, così mozzata mi sembra antiestetica. |
| sent on November 20, 2013 (18:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Pigi47 for the encore, very kind, I agree with you .... 's "amputation" Unfortunately, however,' cut above that leaf there were several other leaves in a "continuum" that was "polluted "the composition, creating chaos ..... also 'cause sooner or later I would have had to cut ..... by the way, your reasoning is entirely acceptable and hello .... thanks again! Grazie Pigi47 per il bis, molto gentile, ....sono d'accordo con te per l'"amputazione", purtroppo, pero', sopra quella foglia tagliata c'erano diverse altre foglie in un "continuum" che avrebbe "inquinato" la composizione, creando caos .....anche perche' prima o poi avrei pur dovuto tagliare .....ad ogni modo, il tuo ragionamento è pienamente condivisibile....ancora grazie e ciao! |

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