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  4. » Thor is coming back

Thor is coming back...

- Night Photography 1 -

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Thor is coming back sent on October 16, 2013 (18:05) by Esaphoto. 43 comments, 3910 views.

, 30 sec f/6.3, ISO 500, tripod. Sacro Monte di Varese, Italy.

Sacro Monte di Varese - Eravamo partiti con l'intenzione di fare foto al tramonto ma purtroppo al nostro arrivo siamo stati sorpresi dalle nubi dalla pioggia e dal vento. Nonostante il freddo (3 gradi) direi che ne è valsa la pena per via dello spettacolo che madre natura c'ha riservato. #NightPhotos


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sent on October 16, 2013 (18:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Definitely guessed the title and caption!
As often happens, be in the right place at the right time makes life easier ...
Beautiful moment caught.
Hello Massimo

sent on October 16, 2013 (19:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful Emanuele, a scene very impressive! Excellent capture.

sent on October 16, 2013 (20:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great shot ... congratulations. Franco:-D:-D:-D

sent on October 16, 2013 (20:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really very impressive, congratulations :-)

sent on October 16, 2013 (20:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Masterpiece! Congratulations!

sent on October 17, 2013 (0:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Max, Henry, Franco, Roberto Rey and for the transition and the positive feedback.
At the next

sent on October 17, 2013 (5:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice, if you want to see the same sunset and 'in my galleries ...
All the best,

sent on October 17, 2013 (15:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really an image suggestive of the presence of all the weapons .. congratulations:-P
Hello, Carmel.

sent on October 17, 2013 (15:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful atmosphere, congratulations.

sent on October 17, 2013 (18:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks a lot Walter, Carmelo and Caterina.
It 'a great satisfaction to me that you all enjoyed my shot.
@ Walter: I saw your shot, very nice compliments! I promised myself to come back at dawn to capture the fog on the plain.

sent on October 17, 2013 (20:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

At the right place at the right time ;-) really very nice and apt title! :-)

sent on October 17, 2013 (23:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you very much ;-) Lenhouse

sent on October 18, 2013 (8:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Did you find a situation much more 'interesting and spectacular sunset ;-)!
Congratulations on being able to freeze lightning in an image already 'very nice for both the composition and the colored lights.

sent on October 18, 2013 (12:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Did you find a situation much more 'interesting and spectacular sunset

In fact you do not have all the wrongs Maia:-D:-D
Thanks for the ride and congratulations.

sent on October 21, 2013 (19:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

excellent capture Emanuele ...... hit!
a greeting, Andrea!

sent on October 21, 2013 (22:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Andrea, thanks to you for the ride!
I am very glad you liked it.
At the next hello

sent on October 22, 2013 (12:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

esaphoto congratulations! excellent one click of respect!
I find the grandiose title and entirely appropiate with the scene!
a feast for the eyes ..
a greeting

sent on October 30, 2013 (23:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful photo!
Excellent compo and management of lights!

sent on October 31, 2013 (9:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Jamesdouglasmorrison and Massimo, thank you very much for the changeover and for the positive feedback!
At the next

sent on October 31, 2013 (15:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

great atmosphere compliments

RCE Foto

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