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A photo made "on the fly"...

Reportage di viaggio

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A photo made "on the fly" sent on June 12, 2013 (15:12) by Koda59. 7 comments, 1165 views.

at 58mm, 1/60 f/11.0, ISO 100, hand held. Pamukkale, Turkey.

In prossimità di Pamukkale un nostro compagno di viaggio ha acchiappato al volo una cavalletta che , gentilmente, si è lasciata fotografare. Naturalmente dopo lo scatto, avendo avuto cura di non farle alcun male, l'abbiamo nuovamente lasciata in libertà.(Trad. : Near Pamukkale our traveling companion has caught a grasshopper in flight who kindly allowed herself to be photographed. Of course after shooting, having taken care not to make them any harm, we again left in the wild).

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sent on June 13, 2013 (15:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Pm544 and Dantes to your liking. Greetings Koda59. ;-)

sent on June 14, 2013 (18:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Also this beautiful, bravo ;-)

sent on June 14, 2013 (20:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Sasa, thanks for being passed around here, I thank you for the comment. ;-)

sent on June 16, 2013 (0:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I do not understand why take it to the fragile legs :-| Hello and good light, laurel

sent on June 16, 2013 (0:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Dear Lauro worry, as I wrote in the title, the grasshopper after shooting has been released from custody and has taken off with no problem, I did not take me but a fellow traveler, I have only photographed, this thing I want to emphasize it. In my whole life I have never wronged any animal, even love them, do you think why should I attend a site as beautiful as that of Juza, where every day we talk about animals, birds and whatever else and then supposed to hurt any of them? I own a female German Shepherd and I have always loved and respected, reciprocated by his affection, however, if the photo is annoying to someone tell me I am ready to take it off. Greetings and thanks to surgery. Let me know. Greetings Koda59

sent on June 16, 2013 (0:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

No problem Koda59, is that if I were your friend, I would not have collection with that grip but I would have reported the presence of this creature so that you would have been able to resume where he had laid it all here .. ;-)
hello, laurel

sent on June 16, 2013 (1:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Lauro Okay, I agree, I will take note of your valuable advice for the next time. I'm going to look for quest'animaletto while laying on a plant or a beautiful flower so maybe I'll make a beautiful macro and put it on the forum, maybe you truly premiarmela with a like or a nice comment. Ps Who made the grasshopper was not an acquaintance of mine but an occasional travel companion who decided to do this in complete autonomy, but if it had been a true friend I would never have asked him to pick it up. ;-) Greetings and thank you for your intervention Koda59

RCE Foto

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