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The season of love (2)...


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The season of love (2) sent on June 03, 2013 (11:22) by Giorgio Guarraia. 57 comments, 8014 views.

con Kenko Pro 300 DGX 1.4x, 1/320 f/7.1, ISO 640, tripod. Hortobagy National Park, Hungary. Specie: Falco vespertinus

Falchi cuculi in accoppiamento... #accoppiamento

129 persons like it: 1niko, Aguilucho, Alain Ghignone, Alberto Martini, Albertone63, Alchie, Alessandro Laconi, Alessandro Mattiello, Alessandro1124, Alessio Carelli, Alex150, Andrea R, Balkar, Baribal, Bepi, Berna, C.Pedriali, Carlo Giacomini, Carlo Sironi, Clara, Claudio Cortesi, Claudio Grillo, Conti Cristiano, Danilo Bassani, Danilo Bracaccini, Dario Ml, Dino Boccaletti, Dtmix, Duccia Zini, Emmemme75, Enrico Pasini, Eraldo Brunettin, Fabio Usvardi, Fausto Pesce, Felice Di Palma, Fex, Fggalassi, Flavio Consonni, Flyingalex, Forzaora, Francesco Abbate, Francesco Bonini, Franco Pelizza, Gabri86 , Gabrielcio28, Gabriele Bartozzi, Gaetano Perego, Giannijazz, Giorgio Disaro, Gmg, Grzehoofr, Ilboblumbard, Jancas, Joe Malfarà Giuseppe, Justitia Terrena, LorGio, Luca Filidei, Luibu, Luigi Bassi, Luis Barrón, Lumar78, M3ndoza, Magard, Marco Marchelli, Marco Mercuri, Marco Palazzo, Marcos89, Mario Vigo, Mariomazzurana, Marla, Martinclimber, Massimoeos, Matteo Smillo, MatteoBio, Mauro_m, Mik, Millidere, Momosoci, Nico1969, Nicola Vender Wondo, Nicoletta Scaiola, Niko14, Orso364, P Olivieri, Pallotta Luigi, Paolo Caloisi, Paolo Macis, Paolo.m, PaoloPgC, Papuina, Parvati, Pawel68, Pieffe, Pierangelo67, Pietro Veivolo, Pietro- F , Pmaffio, Pooyan, Quellolà, Raffaeletrek, Riccardo Braga, Rob149bm, Robbyone77, Roberto Caliari, Roberto Diaferio, Roberto Marini, Robertocolombo, Robibarbè, Roy72chi, Scap73, Scarlet, Sepofa, Sergio Luzzini e Luigi Meroni, Sestri1970, Silvide, Simonciniandrea, Simone, Simone Cerisola, Spanu Luigi, Stiglic89, Taglia67, Taurex, Tiziano Fuser, Trinita, Vahid_st, Vasile Gori, Villa Arrigo, Vittorio Busatto, Zipizape


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sent on June 03, 2013 (11:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Mamma mia what a picture! Spectacular! wow wow!
Am I wrong or did you change kit?

sent on June 03, 2013 (11:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on June 03, 2013 (11:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Wonderful series! This the best.

sent on June 03, 2013 (11:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Superb, even more! Congratulations wow!

sent on June 03, 2013 (12:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Excellent throughout the series, nice document, in my opinion this is the most convincing, but they are all large beautiful photos.

sent on June 03, 2013 (16:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really beautiful! For me it is the most beautiful of the series

sent on June 03, 2013 (17:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Wow beautiful!
For me it would have been even more beautiful with the background a bit 'less nuanced.

sent on June 03, 2013 (20:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Giorgio wow! wow! ... remain open-mouthed for these shots, the whole series is amazing, really well done :-)

sent on June 03, 2013 (23:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you all for your appreciation, I agree with those who say it is the best of the series.
@ Memy, thanks for the ride, the background I have not touched at all, hello

sent on June 03, 2013 (23:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations indeed: wonderful!

sent on June 05, 2013 (14:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

New equipment and excellent results ... I agree with those who preceded me that this is the best.
I have to go back all'Hortobagy:-P


sent on June 05, 2013 (21:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Superb this too! Hello.

sent on June 05, 2013 (21:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The whole series is wonderful.
You were great.
Hello Mark.

sent on June 06, 2013 (7:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Many thanks to: Clara, Mauro ;-), Mario and Marco!

sent on June 07, 2013 (17:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Excellent all around

sent on June 07, 2013 (17:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

This also spectacular!!


sent on June 07, 2013 (18:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

as above

sent on June 07, 2013 (18:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

a show, you have to be in one place and right time, of course I am ready and able to take time, congratulations

sent on June 07, 2013 (19:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

amazing!! wow very good!

sent on June 07, 2013 (19:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Stunning photo

RCE Foto

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