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Tantissimi auguri di Buon Natale a tutti voi, con la speranza che queste Feste riempiano i vostri cuori di serenità e tanto calore. Un abbraccio, Vale. "Apri le narici, annusa la neve, lascia che la vita accada" (Sylvia Plath)
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sent on December 23, 2023 (21:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you for the very kind wishes I wholeheartedly reciprocate wishing you a Merry Christmas, hello Vale, giuseppe Grazie per i gentilissimi auguri ricambio di tutto cuore augurandoti un sereno Natale, ciao Vale, giuseppe
sent on December 23, 2023 (21:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I reciprocate the best wishes by extending them to your loved ones :-) Season's Greetings 8-) Hello, Carlo Contraccambio gli auguri estendendoli anche alle persone a te care Buone Feste Ciao, Carlo
sent on December 23, 2023 (22:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Ciaoooooooooo Valeeeeee best wishes to you and your loved ones bye gino 8-) Ciaooooooooo Valeeeeee tantissimi auguri anche a te e ai tuoi cari ciao gino
sent on December 23, 2023 (22:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
sent on December 23, 2023 (22:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful b/w to shoot the heavy snowfall, excellent use of the "negative Space", congratulations and Best wishes Bellissimo b/n a riprendere la forte nevicata, ottimo uso del ?negative Space“, complimenti e Auguroni
sent on December 23, 2023 (22:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great Christmas Scene Vale I gladly reciprocate my best wishes to you and family Ottima scena Natalizia Vale Ricambio con piacere gli auguri a te e famiglia
sent on December 23, 2023 (22:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hi Vale, a super blizzard envelops this image that gives emotions. Great. THANK YOU for the kind wishes that I reciprocate with affection, albeit virtual, to you and your family. MERRY CHRISTMAS, bye. Ciao Vale, una super tormenta avvolge questa immagine che regala emozioni. Bravissima. GRAZIE per i gentili auguri che contraccambio con affetto seppur virtuale a te e famiglia. BUON NATALE, ciao.
sent on December 23, 2023 (22:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations Vale, for the beautiful image and thank you very much for the very welcome wishes that I reciprocate, very affectionately, to you and family. Hello, Paul Complimenti Vale, per la bellissima immagine e grazie mille per i graditissimi auguri che ricambio, molto affettuosamente, a te e famiglia. Ciao, Paolo
sent on December 23, 2023 (22:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations Vale Greetings and best wishes for happy holidays Mauro Splendida immagine ed auguri Complimenti Vale Saluti cari ed auguri di buone feste Mauro
sent on December 23, 2023 (23:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, again best wishes for Happy Holidays and lots and lots of serenity! Grazie di cuore, ancora auguri di Buone feste e tanta tanta serenità!
sent on December 23, 2023 (23:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you very much for the good wishes that I reciprocate with my heart. Beautiful and evocative this snowfall in the mountains, congratulations also for the caption. Happy birthday again. Hi Roberto Grazie mille per gli auguri che ricambio con il cuore. Bellissima e suggestiva questa nevicata in montagna, complimenti anche per la didascalia. Ancora tanti auguri. Ciao Roberto
sent on December 23, 2023 (23:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A great joy to see such a sweet image of the period, to read such poetic words, to listen to the notes of Bryan Adams, about your Christmas and your kind wish for hope. I thank you and wish you every joy and happiness for the time to come. A big hug Valentina Una grande gioia vedere un'immagine così dolce del periodo, leggere parole così poetiche, ascoltare le note di Bryan Adams, sul tuo Natale ed il tuo gentile augurio di speranza. Tu ringrazio ed auguro anche a te ogni gioia e felicità per il tempo che verrà. Un caro abbraccio Valentina
sent on December 24, 2023 (0:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wonderful image and beautiful caption, many congratulations dear Vale! Thank you for the kind good wishes that I warmly reciprocate to you. A warm greeting Mary Immagine stupenda e bellissima didascalia, tanti complimenti cara Vale! Grazie per i gentili auguri che ricambio di cuore a te. Un caro saluto Mary
sent on December 24, 2023 (1:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A winter atmosphere that doesn't get any better than this. Evocative and suggestive. And also in this case, as in the previous one just commented, I also really appreciate the caption with the quote (and also the song posted) that perfectly supports the content of the beautiful image. Congratulations Vale and best wishes again. hi Fabio Atmosfera invernale che più di così non si può. Evocativa e suggestiva. E anche in questo caso, come nella precedente appena commentata, apprezzo molto anche la didascalia con la citazione (e pure la canzone postata) che supporta perfettamente il contenuto della bellissima immagine. Complimenti Vale e ancora auguri.
sent on December 24, 2023 (7:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Yours is a viewpoint that recalls a day of frost and cold. So it's better to light a nice fire in the fireplace and stay warm to spend these days warm. A happy holiday season to you and your family. Best regards Alessandro Un belvedere il tuo che richiama una giornata di gelo e di freddo. Per cui meglio accendere un bel fuoco nel caminetto e stare al calduccio per passare al tepore queste giornate. Un augurio di buone festività a te e alla tua famiglia. Un caro saluto Alessandro