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| sent on April 25, 2023 (19:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Real vision or image? Visione o immagine reale? |
| sent on April 25, 2023 (19:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Well, the photo is "true", real, a bit worked with darkroom techniques (clear!), without upheavals, only on tones, masking and sharpness. Thank you, Anelanna, for the welcome visit and comment! Happy April 25th! Bhe, la foto è “vera”, reale, un po' lavorata con le tecniche di camera oscura (chiara!), senza stravolgimenti, solo sui toni, mascherature e nitidezza. Grazie, Anelanna, della gradita visita e del commento! Buon 25 aprile! |
| sent on April 25, 2023 (22:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Fantastic dreamlike vision, very good even in the processing in clear room! Good evening Pierluigi Fantastica visione onirica, bravissimo anche nella lavorazione in camera chiara! Buona serata Pierluigi |
| sent on April 25, 2023 (22:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you, Pierluigi, for the very welcome visit and the kind comment. Have a nice evening! Grazie, Pierluigi, della graditissima visita e del gentile commento. Buona serata! |
| sent on April 26, 2023 (8:22) | This comment has been translated
Excellent shot, congratulations! |
| sent on April 26, 2023 (21:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks, Meteopedro, for the visit, very appreciated and for the kind comment. Good evening. Grazie, Meteopedro, della gradita visita e del gentile commento. Buona serata. |

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