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| sent on November 01, 2022 (22:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful and bright image of this famous square taken from an interesting perspective. Hello. Nicholas Bella e luminosa immagine di questa famosa piazza ripresa da una interessante prospettiva. Ciao. Nicola |
| sent on December 29, 2022 (2:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Excellent use of the wide angle pushed. I like it. hello Fabio Ottimo utilizzo del grandangolo spinto. Mi piace. ciao Fabio |
| sent on December 29, 2022 (16:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks to Nicola and Fabio, your comments are always kind and welcome. A note of color (it is done to make a laugh, otherwise what Tuscan I would be), Capture One has succeeded where the Ministry of LL.PP. or who has not succeeded for it for I do not know how many years (10 or maybe more), removing the crane that disfigures the courtyard of the Uffizi. A warm greeting and Happy New Year to all Franco Grazie a Nicola e Fabio, i vostri commenti sono sempre benevoli e ben accetti. Una nota di colore (si fa per fare una risata, altrimenti che toscano sarei), Capture One è riuscito là dove il Ministero dei LL.PP. o chi per esso non è riuscito da non so quanti anni (10 o forse più), togliendo la gru che deturpa il cortile degli Uffizi. Un caro saluto e Buon anno a tutti Franco |
| sent on September 11, 2023 (13:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Unconventional perspective I like See you soon, Roberto. Prospettiva non convenzionale Mi piace A presto, Roberto. |
| sent on September 11, 2023 (15:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Roberto for the visit and il appreciated comment Have a nice day Franco Grazie Roberto per il passaggio ed il gradito commento Buona giornata Franco |
| sent on October 06, 2023 (18:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very nice shot with excellent composition Maximum Scatto molto bello con ottima composizione Massimo |
| sent on October 06, 2023 (18:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Massimo for the visit, very appreciated Franco Grazie Massimo per la gradita visita Franco |
| sent on January 26, 2024 (11:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A marvellous Italian artistic excellence, masterfully reproduced. Florence, a wonderful city! Congratulations, Giacomo. Una meravigliosa eccellenza artistica italiana, ripresa magistralmente. Firenze, città meravigliosa! Complimenti, Giacomo. |
| sent on January 26, 2024 (12:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Giacomo for the visit and for your welcome comment Franco Grazie Giacomo della visita e del gradito commento Franco |
| sent on April 10, 2024 (22:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I like it very much. Congratulations .. effect of three-dimensionality and remarkable depth. congratulations. Renato. Mi piace molto. Complimenti .. effetto di tridimensionalità e profondità Notevoli. Complimenti. Renato. |
| sent on April 10, 2024 (22:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Renato, I do my best and then Florence ... help Good evening Franco Grazie Renato, io faccio del mio meglio e poi Firenze ... aiuta Buona serata Franco |
| sent on July 25, 2024 (10:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Nice shot and great use of the wide angle! Congratulations! Bello scatto e ottimo uso del grandangolo! Complimenti! |
| sent on July 25, 2024 (12:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I am very happy that you like this shot and thank you for the passage and the comment Greetings Sono molto contento che questo scatto sia di tuo gradimento e ti ringrazio per il passaggio e il commento Saluti |

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