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The lunar terrace...

Paesaggi 2

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The lunar terrace sent on September 07, 2022 (18:15) by Cappa_cp. 4 comments, 224 views. [retina]

at 35mm, 1/320 f/13.0, ISO 100, hand held. Passo Pordoi, Italy.

Sass Pordoi, alto 2.950 m é a forma di altopiano,raggiungibile a piedi tramite sentiero 627 che parte dal Passo Pordoi oppure tramite la funivia sempre da Passo Pordoi.Il panorama e' mozzafiato e lunare a ovest si vedono l'Alpe di Siusi e il Catinaccio, più a sud la Val di Fassa e il ghiacciaio della Marmolada, che con i suoi 3.343 m s.l.m. è la cima più alta delle Dolomiti. A est invece ci sono il massiccio del Sella con la sua punta più alta, il Piz Boè. Quest'ultimo nasconde dietro di sé altre catene montuose delle Dolomiti, come per esempio il Gruppo del Cristallo, Sorapiss e le Tofane. Queste ultime possono essere ammirate dal sentiero escursionistico che porta sulla vetta.Per gli amanti delle ferrate ci si puo' arrivare tramite la ferrata che parte dal sentiero 627 oppure dalla Ferrata Tridentina al Pisciadù.

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sent on October 01, 2022 (15:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Better tridentine (which is more fun).
Passing by Sass Pordoi - Forcella Pordoi, I took my son to Capanna Fassa (3,152 if I remember correctly) when he was 408 days old. Up at the shelter I was tempted to give him an invigorating grappino but.... better a bottle of milk.
I see again with pleasure with this beautiful photo.
Have a nice weekend.

sent on October 06, 2022 (16:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Paul for the welcome visit, definitely the Tridentine is better but also more challenging. Normally I prefer the paths to the via ferratas, there are routes where by force of things you have to use the via ferratas, of course it is that you have to be careful especially if there are storms nearby and therefore use the via ferratas can be dangerous. Life has always taught me not to challenge the mountain but to always respect it. The same path that you did with the child I also did. Surely the child would have liked a cicchetto... ;-) then it is normal that the pope opted for milk.
Hello, good evening, Paul.

sent on October 10, 2022 (22:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Paul, congratulations for the excellent realization.

sent on October 14, 2022 (22:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Daniele for the visit, very appreciated.
cheers, Have a nice weekend,Paolo.

RCE Foto

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