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| sent on April 10, 2013 (16:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Woow! wow! The shades of color I like it! Congratulations for the shot! Woow!! Le sfumature di colore mi piacciono moltissimo! Complimenti per lo scatto! |
| sent on April 10, 2013 (16:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful, like a dream! Can I ask what is the subject of the photo! Stupenda, sembra un sogno! Posso chiederti cos'è il soggetto della foto?! |
| sent on April 10, 2013 (17:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Crystallized snow. I had never seen such formations and tried to immortalarle ... but they are not as good as you :-) @ Ilia I took a ride in your experiments / games bright and I congratulate you for the imagination and your technical skills. @ Simone sensitivity and you're really good. Keep it up ... do good things. Marine Neve cristallizzata. Non avevo mai visto formazioni del genere e ho provato ad immortalarle ... ma non sono brava come voi @Elide ho fatto un giro tra le tue sperimentazioni/giochi luminosi e ti faccio i complimenti per la fantasia e le tue capacità tecniche. @Simone hai sensibilità e sei veramente bravo. Continuate così ... farete belle cose. Marina |
| sent on April 10, 2013 (18:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
This picture is truly spectacular, I love it! You are really nice and I heartily thank you =) Questa foto è veramente spettacolare, mi piace tantissimo! Sei veramente gentile e ti ringrazio di cuore =) |
| sent on April 10, 2013 (19:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Marina, thank you very much for the compliments! I am much, much pleasure! :-) Ciao Marina, ti ringrazio tantissimo per i complimenti!! Mi fa tanto tanto tanto piacere! |
| sent on April 19, 2013 (15:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
It 'a spectacular photo. Before you read the previous commmenti I had the impression it was a school of fish, but regardless of whether it is snow, feathers, fish makes a wonderful abstract feeling of softness and freshness underlined by the soft color. Compliments. E' una foto spettacolare. Prima di leggere i precedenti commmenti avevo l'impressione si trattasse di una banco di pesci, ma a prescindere se è neve, piume, pesci rende una meravigliosa sensazione astratta di morbidezza e di freschezza sottolineata dal colore morbido. Complimenti. |
| sent on April 19, 2013 (17:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you for your passage abundantly reciprocated (I know your beautiful productions) and thanks for the comment. I'm glad to be able to grasp the nature of an aspect that appears truly artistic :-) Marina Grazie del tuo passaggio abbondantemente ricambiato (conosco le tue bellissime produzioni) e grazie del commento. Mi fa piacere essere riuscita a cogliere dalla natura un aspetto che appare veramente artistico Marina |
| sent on April 29, 2013 (18:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I did not understand what it is ... but I like ... congratulations Non ho capito che cos'è...ma mi piace...complimenti |
| sent on April 29, 2013 (18:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Splibo of the passage. It 'a small portion of crystallized snow :-) Marina Grazie Splibo del passaggio. E' una piccola porzione di neve cristallizzata Marina |
| sent on May 19, 2013 (10:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Excellent! Not understanding what it was I had to look at it in detail! Beautiful light and great idea! Ottima! Non capendo cos'era ho dovuto guardala nei dettagli! Bella luce e ottima idea! |
| sent on May 19, 2013 (16:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks for the ride Alberto :-) Coming from you is a great compliment. I could see right this morning your galleries and in particular the "your" drops. Those are good ideas and achievements that are :-) Thanks Marina Grazie del passaggio Alberto Detto da te è un gran complimento. Ho potuto ammirare giusto questa mattina le tue gallerie e in particolare le "tue" gocce. Quelle si che sono idee ed ottime realizzazioni Grazie Marina |
| sent on July 31, 2013 (18:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I do not understand what it is but I find it very beautiful! non capisco cosa sia ma la trovo molto bella! |
user6267 | sent on July 31, 2013 (19:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I am stepping stone to compliments, always beautiful ideas that are put into practice! Best regards Mi accodo ai complimenti , sempre belle le idee che vengono messe in pratica! Cari saluti |
| sent on September 20, 2013 (15:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
compliments I really like this shot! is a fantasy genius, m from the thumbnail looked like a bunch of fish thinks for a bit :) great job marina, as usual ;) complimenti mi piace davvero tanto questo scatto !!! è una fantasia geniale, dalla miniatura m sembrava un branco d pesci pensa un po :) ottimo lavoro marina, come sempre del resto ;) |
| sent on September 20, 2013 (16:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Daniele :-) Thanks for the “ brilliant fantasy „ . I reciprocate the congratulations for your recent and truly wonderful [URL =] www.juzaphoto.com/galleria.php?t=590649&l=it but be careful not to overdo it “ great job marina, as usual „ Given the current climate lately I see myself forced to disappear ;-)
Marina Grazie Daniele per la " fantasia geniale" . Contraccambio i complimenti per il tuo recente e veramente splendido www.juzaphoto.com/galleria.php?t=590649&l=it ma attenzione a non esagerare " ottimo lavoro marina, come sempre del resto" Vista l'aria che tira ultimamente potrei vedermi costretta a sparire Marina |
| sent on September 20, 2013 (16:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wow what a surprise, I thought they were fish until I read the explanation wow! I would like to ask you if the lighting is artificial or natural, because it is the light that shapes the form and gives beauty to shoot. Hello and congratulations! :-) Caspita che meraviglia, pensavo anch'io che fossero pesci finchè non ho letto la spiegazione Vorrei domandarti se l'illuminazione è artificiale o è naturale perchè è proprio la luce che modella le forme e dona bellezza allo scatto. Ciao e complimenti ! |
| sent on September 20, 2013 (16:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks for the ride :-) Federico The lighting is very natural because the shot was made during a walk in the mountains under a bright sun:-P
Marina Grazie del passaggio Federico L'illuminazione è naturalissima perché lo scatto è stato realizzato durante una passeggiata in montagna sotto un sole splendente Marina |
| sent on September 20, 2013 (17:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Then the PDR is particularly apt and you made the most of the natural light that draws the snow and puts the embossed texture, good! Allora il pdr è particolarmente azzeccato ed hai sfruttato al meglio la luce naturale che disegna la neve e ne mette la texture in rilievo, brava ! |
| sent on September 20, 2013 (17:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
THANK YOU! :-P I found the mound of snow right ;-)
Marina GRAZIE ! Ho trovato il monticello di neve giusto Marina |

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