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| sent on October 18, 2019 (1:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Ahahahahahahah, I bet an Ep that the owner is Italian ! Ahahahahahaahah, scommetto un Ep che il proprietario é italiano ! |
| sent on October 18, 2019 (7:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Ignatius I support you for the Pulitzer! But given the greater importance of the EP, for that, reluctantly, no... ;-)) Hello. Mauro. Ignazio ti appoggio per il Pulitzer! Ma vista la maggior importanza dell'EP, per quello, a malincuore, no...;-)) Ciao. Mauro. |
| sent on October 18, 2019 (8:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks for the supporto morale! Grazie per il supporto morale! |
| sent on October 18, 2019 (8:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
But then it's true :-o I had a glimpse of wa but I thought it was a fake. Incredible combination. Ma allora è vera l'avevo intravista su WA ma pensavo fosse un fake. Combinazione incredibile. |
| sent on October 18, 2019 (10:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very true! He thinks there are 9,999 more around the world... :-) Verissima! Pensa che ce ne sono altre 9.999 in giro nel mondo… |
| sent on November 14, 2019 (23:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Mythicignatius :-D Mitico Ignatius |
| sent on November 18, 2019 (14:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Coyote, but it's all thanks to my super-professional equipment! :-) Grazie Coyote, ma è tutto merito della mia attrezzatura super-professionalissima! |
| sent on February 03, 2020 (15:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful glance!!! :-D Bellissimo colpo d'occhio!!! |
| sent on February 03, 2020 (15:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Roy! Grazie Roy! |
| sent on April 22, 2021 (11:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I don't know in Denmark but in Italy the rotten is there... sure! Luckily, volvo is also there, which is like Caesar's wife... above all suspicion ;-) I throw it there because I can't frame it well, is it an XC70? Non so in Danimarca ma in Italia il marcio c'è... sicuro! Per fortuna però c'è anche VOLVO, che è come la moglie di Cesare... al di sopra di ogni sospetto La butto lì perché non riesco a inquadrarla bene, è una XC70? |
| sent on April 23, 2021 (10:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you for the ride, Paul. It's been a while, but I have a vague memory that the model was a Station Wagon, not an SUV. I'm sure, given the importance of the photo and all the related insights, maybe we should ask Interpol. We certainly do not want to trust, for such an important doubt, the equivalent of the German Public Automobile Register! Grazie per il passaggio, Paolo. E' passato un po' di tempo, ma ho un vago ricordo che il modello fosse una Station Wagon, non un SUV. Però, data la rilevanza della foto e di tutti gli approfondimenti connessi, forse è il caso di chiedere all'Interpol. Non vorremo certo fidarci, per un dubbio così importante, all'equivalente del Pubblico Registro Automobilistico tedesco! |
| sent on April 23, 2021 (14:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Ignatius, so I saw well, if it's a Station Wagon it's an XC70, which is the cross country version of the V70, while the XC60 and XC 90 are the V60 and V90-derived SUVs. Grazie Ignatius, allora ho visto bene, se è una Station Wagon è una XC70, che è la versione "cross country" della V70, mentre le XC60 e XC 90 sono i SUV derivati da V60 e V90. |
| sent on June 21, 2022 (11:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I killed myself with laughter... too beautiful. :)))) Mi sono ammazzato dalle risate... troppo bella. :)))) |
| sent on June 22, 2022 (9:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Filippo!
I. Grazie Filippo! I. |

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