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| sent on September 07, 2011 (21:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
So many memories ....... I give a shot 25 years ago with a sunset identical, great shot and thanks hello Danilo Quanti ricordi .......ho una dia scattata 25 anni fa con un tramonto identico,ottimo scatto e grazie ciao Danilo |
| sent on September 07, 2011 (22:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful photo Eru. Great time. Bellissima foto Eru. Grande momento. |
| sent on September 07, 2011 (22:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great shot. The sky is phenomenal. Congratulations is beautiful Ottimo scatto. Il cielo è fenomenale. Complimenti è bellissima |
| sent on September 07, 2011 (22:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Fantastic picture. Mont Saint-Michel is a place of Serbia for a long time in the drawer of desires. Sooner or later I'll get me too! Meanwhile, I admire your beautiful image! Fantastica immagine. Mont Saint-Michel è un luogo che serbo da tempo nel cassetto dei desideri. Prima o poi ci arriverò anch'io! Intanto ammiro la tua bellissima immagine! |
| sent on September 07, 2011 (22:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
To great effect. Compliments Di grande effetto. Complimenti |
| sent on September 07, 2011 (23:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
how wonderful, we defects che meraviglia, ci vizi |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (0:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Amazing sky, light management very difficult and very well done, I do not completely convince the mountain so low and middle (but I'm afraid you'd lose decentrandolo the moon, which is relevant element). compliments see you soon Cielo strepitoso, gestione delle luci molto difficile e ottimamente eseguita, non mi convince completamente il monte così basso e centrale (ma temo che decentrandolo avresti perso la luna, che è elemento rilevante). complimenti a presto |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (0:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very very nice. Maybe I left the mountain a bit 'more' to the right, just a hair. Molto molto bella. Forse avrei lasciato il monte un po' piu' a destra, giusto un pelo. |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (1:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
great shot ... I might have tried to make the colors of the sky left more natuali ... but so good! congratulations! ottimo scatto...forse avrei cercato di rendere i colori del cielo a sx piu natuali...ma ottimo cosi!complimenti! |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (9:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful shot with the clouds looming to the left. Good management of lights ... I would try to frame by moving the left all the way to decentralize the mountain and include more nuovole ;-) The moon is a gem! Ste Splendido scatto con le nuvole che incombono da sx. Ottima gestione delle luci...avrei provato ad inquadrare spostando il tutto verso sx per decentrare il monte e includere più nuovole La luna è una chicca! Ste |
user64 | sent on September 08, 2011 (11:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really successful. A magical place .. Veramente ben riuscita. Un posto magico.. |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (11:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
excellent photo personally would leave less space on the right just to highlight even more the sky ottima foto personalmente avrei lasciato meno spazio sulla dx proprio per evidenziare ancora di più il cielo |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (11:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I would also have shifted the framing leftmost and a little further down. Anch'io avrei spostato l'inquadratura più a sinistra e un pò più in basso. |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (11:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations on an excellent image. I go a bit 'counter on the composition. Given the shape of the hill and the basilica which the plume in the center, the focus for me is spot on. I might have tried to recover some light on the first floor. Beautiful sky and great colors. Compliments. :-) ;-) Complimenti un'ottima immagine. Vado un po' controcorrente sulla compo. Vista la forma della collinetta e con la basilica che ha quel pennacchio proprio al centro, la centralità per me è azzeccata. Avrei magari cercato di recuperare qualche luce sul primo piano. Bellissimo cielo e ottimi colori. Complimenti. |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (12:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
sorry but the components were not just alternatives, unthinkable decentralize the mount with a 14mm distortion would be absolutely ridiculous. scusate ma sulla compo non c'erano proprio alternative, impensabile decentrare il monte con un 14mm la distorsione sarebbe stata assolutamente ridicola. |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (12:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
beautiful photo! For me, a broad impression of vastness accentuated by the colors and direction of clouds. bellissima foto! Per me da una impressione di ampio respiro, di vastità accentuata dai colori e dalla direzione delle nuvole. |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (15:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful atmosphere, magical place I have visited several years ago with the backpack on his shoulders interrail, I remember that day well:-D and it was an August day with a mist and a gray Novembrini .. All the best, Lorenza Bellissima atmosfera, luogo magico, io l'ho visitato parecchi anni fa con lo zaino da interrail sulle spalle, ricordo bene quel giorno e si trattava di un giorno d'agosto con una nebbia e un grigiore novembrini.. Un saluto, Lorenza |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (17:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
only one word: Lovely! :-) solo una parola: Incantevole! |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (18:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Resume point dramatic, moon, sun, sunset, clouds .... There 's all. Bellissima! Punto di ripresa drammatico, luna, sole, tramonto, nuvole.... c'e' tutto. Bellissima! |
| sent on September 08, 2011 (21:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wonderful light, shooting point different from the usual, good result, congratulations. Splendida luce, punto di ripresa diverso dal solito, bel risultato, complimenti. |

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