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Normandy - Bretagne

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Untitled Photo sent on September 06, 2011 (21:14) by Eru. 12 comments, 2717 views.

1/2500 f/2.8, ISO 1250,

Belle Ile, Bretagna, D700 +14-24 2.8 ISO 1250, 60s Moon-Rise + light painting della luce di un faro in distanza

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sent on September 06, 2011 (21:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on September 06, 2011 (21:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It is the idea that me and 'just beautiful! but 'I see very little crisp, with a nice little' noise!

sent on September 06, 2011 (22:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

somewhat the effect of the noise reduction of the rest one minute installation .....
Let's say that print is perfect because you can not see the noise, I selected mostly for the colors that have come out of the dark darker

sent on September 06, 2011 (22:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Always interesting and fascinating your images! That red is truly spectacular!
With the D700 amazes me the fact of seeing so much noise at ISO 1250 species in the sky lightened perhaps too PW?

sent on September 06, 2011 (22:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I did not watch a minute of exposure yet I schiacciatissimo the diagram to the left and I had to lighten to a stop, you know take pictures in total darkness? considers that the lens to frame the white house I had to use a torch because I could not see. Clear that if shot with a little light even at ISO 6000 and I have the diagram to the right the noise is not seen, but takes a bit of light, yet they can not do miracles sensors

sent on September 06, 2011 (23:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful sky and great colors. Compliments

sent on September 07, 2011 (0:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The fire is not accurate or you move, I see very blurry .. you could dare to ISO 3200 or more with the D700 I think .. Apart from this, the colors are beautiful, thanks to the stars in the clouds ..

sent on September 07, 2011 (9:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The sky is fantastic ..

sent on September 07, 2011 (18:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Let me give you a hint. 1 'exposure is too much and the stars have moved, and ISO 1250 are too low. The D700 works well at high iso, feel free to raise them up to 6400. If I did, say, 30 ", 2.8, 5000 ISO, you'd have a photo 2 stops lighter than you've done (and you had to lighten one stop in post). Consequently, for the same light / brightness of this shot, abbasseresti 1-stop exposure in post. This takes you to have a photo spotless and processing very large space without going to increase the risk of noise with curves, also would "freeze" the motion of the stars. speak from experience, having shot at 8000 ISO and a starry final processing was cleaner than the same shot at 5000 iso just exposed.
Moral of the story, at night, always expose to the right, and at best reduce the exp. in post. This is because the sensor is sensitive to light in a linear fashion, has great advantages on the lights, very few in the shadows, andBelow is because a 1250 iso exposed evil and recovered is extremely noisy.
Hope that helps.


sent on September 07, 2011 (18:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Let me give you a hint. 1 'exposure is too much and the stars have moved, and ISO 1250 are too low. The D700 works well at high iso, feel free to raise them up to 6400. If I did, say, 30 ", 2.8, 5000 ISO, you'd have a photo 2 stops lighter than you've done (and you had to lighten one stop in post). Consequently, for the same light / brightness of this shot, abbasseresti 1-stop exposure in post. This takes you to have a photo spotless and processing very large space without going to increase the risk of noise with curves, also would "freeze" the motion of the stars. speak from experience, having shot at 8000 ISO and a starry final processing was cleaner than the same shot at 5000 iso just exposed.
Moral of the story, at night, always expose to the right, and at best reduce the exp. in post. This is because the sensor is sensitive to light in a linear fashion, has great advantages on the lights, very few in the shadows, andBelow is because a 1250 iso exposed evil and recovered is extremely noisy.
Hope that helps.


sent on September 08, 2011 (14:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It Ninja I trust your experiences nottabulo for the nights while I am a rookie, is that I tried, even at high ISO, not seconds, and seemed more dark and noisy again. However, it was a situation of darkness very dark, consider that the stars I saw them behind a thin layer of clouds and I used to walk the torch, there was only a lighthouse in the distance turning occasionally pecked at the white house, the rest exhibit one minute at 1250 iso and find the diagram completely crushed left me inc .. re not little. I need to do more experiments

sent on September 10, 2011 (18:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Broadly speaking, then try 6400 ISO, 30 ", 2.8, will not be disappointed ;)


RCE Foto

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