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Natural Arches...

Astrofotografia dal 2018...

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Natural Arches sent on March 18, 2019 (19:26) by Cristianfat. 3 comments, 1771 views.

at 14mm, Posa B f/2.8, ISO 1600, tripod.

Natural Arches - L'uomo è circondato dalla Natura, per questo motivo dobbiamo rispettarla in tutte le sue forme: dal terreno, all'atmosfera, fino allo Spazio più profondo. Questo rispetto si traduce nel rispetto verso la Vita, la civiltà e l'evoluzione Umana presente e futura. Con questa immagine, "rubata" domenica 17 marzo insieme agli amici Armando, Daniele ed Emilio nei 50 minuti di buio tra il tramonto della Luna e il sorgere del Sole, vorrei ancora una volta sensibilizzare verso la bellezza del mondo che ci circonda, ricordando con queste parole quanto sia importante il rispetto dell'Ambiente. Mosaico di 14 scatti eseguiti con reflex FF modificata e ottica 14mm F2,8, elaborazione con Photoshop. Gli scatti del cielo, da 120" a 1600 iso, sono inseguiti con Minitrack LX2. Natural Arches - Man is surrounded by Nature, which is why we must respect it in all its forms: from the ground, to the atmosphere, to the deepest Space. This respect translates into respect for Life, civilization and present and future Human evolution. With this image, "stolen" on Sunday 17 March together with my friends Armando, Daniele and Emilio in the 50 minutes of darkness between the sunset of the Moon and the rising of the sun, I would like once again to raise awareness of the beauty of the world around us, remembering with these words how important respect for the environment is. Mosaic of 14 shots taken with modified FF reflex and 14mm F2.8 optics, processing with Photoshop. The shots of the sky, from 120" to 1600 iso, are followed with Minitrack LX2. #madewithminitrack

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sent on March 18, 2019 (20:21) | This comment has been translated


sent on June 12, 2019 (4:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great shot.
The snow that goes to complement the Milky Way to form a big eyes is spectacular.

sent on June 12, 2019 (8:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Bobbyhill for having grasped this aspect that I was aiming to highlight!

RCE Foto

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