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| sent on March 07, 2019 (18:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
That explosion of colors Excellent macro Congratulations Alessandro Hello Helium Che esplosione di colori Ottima macro Complimenti Alessandro Ciao Elio |
| sent on March 07, 2019 (21:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful colors. Splendidi colori. Gianni |
user28555 | sent on March 07, 2019 (21:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I would say that on the whole has defended Piutosto well, Senz < inconvenience reflex or other dedicated cameras with which no smartphone can ' ever compete, but the compo is very nice and pleasant and the colors really inviting and spring as well as the light Read ;-); The diaphragm at full aperture makes a shutter time at 50 ISO actually slow but enough to compose and shoot with the help of the Stbilizer but obviously depreciates the detail, in manual maybe you could set a diaphragm a little ' more closed type F4 and ISO a little higher to grasp a greater definition at least in the area around the selective MAF (it is pure disquisition without commitment Alessandro) :-). Having said that the floral photo remains interesting and enjoyable: congratulations. A greeting, Claudio :-P Direi che nel complesso si e' difeso piutosto bene, senza scomodare reflex o altre macchine fotografiche dedicate con cui nessuno smartphone puo' ne' potra' mai competere, ma la compo e' molto bella e gradevole ed i colori davvero invitanti e primaverili cosi' come la luce colta ; il diaframma a completa apertura rende un tempo di scatto a 50 iso realtivamente lento ma sufficiente per comporre e scattare con l'ausilio dello stabilizzatore integrato ma ovviamente ammordisce il dettaglio, in manuale forse si poteva impostare un diaframma un po' piu' chiuso tipo F4 e iso un poco piu' alti a cogliere una maggior definizione almeno nell'area attorno alla maf selettiva (e' pura disquisizione senza impegno Alessandro) . Detto cio' la foto floreale resta interssante e godibile: complimenti. Un saluto, Claudio |
| sent on March 07, 2019 (22:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Three photos, two BN and one color! All of my liking! Hello Alessandro! FB Tre foto, due BN e un colore! Tutto di mio Gradimento! Ciao Alessandro! FB |
| sent on March 07, 2019 (23:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The Ornithogallo :-D Bright Colors L ornitogallo colori accesi |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (9:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A:elfiche A:joofer A:nightfiler : Franco buffalmano A:chiaravet Garzie at all for IV your passage and the pleasing comment. Claudio always like your considerations. A greeting Alessandro A:Elfiche A:Joofer A:Nightfiler A:Franco Buffalmano A:Chiaravet Garzie a tutti per iv vostro passaggio e il gradito commento. Claudio sempre gradite le tue considerazioni. Un saluto Alessandro |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (14:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful colors and compo Congratulations Alessandro A greeting Mauro ;-) :-P Splendidi colori e compo Complimenti Alessandro Un saluto Mauro |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (14:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Fantastic floral shot and fantastic colors! Congratulations Alessandro! Hello, Stefano Fantastico scatto floreale e colori fantastici! Complimenti Alessandro! Ciao, Stefano |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (16:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful shooting Alexander bella ripresa Alessandro |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (16:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A:mauro monesi A:stefano di chiazza A:werner Many thanks to all for your liking. A greeting Alexander A:Mauro Monesi A:Stefano di Chiazza A:Werner Grazie tanti a tutti per il vostro gradimento. Un saluto Alessandro |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (16:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I mean, we're... And the shot testifies. Very beautiful colors Hello Alessandro :-P Insomma ci siamo...e lo scatto lo testimonia.molto belli i colori Ciao Alessandro |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (18:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
And you after the greyish an explosion of color beautiful shot Hello, Mery E si dopo il grigiore un esplosione di colore bellissimo scatto ciao , Mery |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (19:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
NICE macro Alexander! Great colors! Bel macro Alessandro! Ottimi colori! |
| sent on March 09, 2019 (8:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A: Jancila A:merylu A:alexey Very welcome your comment so many greetings Alessandro A: Jancila A:Merylu A:Alexey Molto gradito il vostro commento tanti saluti Alessandro |
| sent on March 09, 2019 (8:51)
Beautiful colors. Great shot. Compliments. Tutu |
| sent on March 09, 2019 (11:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Nice realization, bravo. Hello Bella realizzazione, bravo. ciao |
| sent on March 09, 2019 (11:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A:sbtutu A:vincenzo De Paola Thank you for your welcome compliment. A greeting Alexander A:Sbtutu A:Vincenzo De Paola Grazie per il vostro gradito complimento. Un saluto Alessandro |
| sent on March 09, 2019 (17:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful achievement, with beautiful colors Hello Stefano Bella realizzazione, con belle cromie Ciao Stefano |
| sent on March 09, 2019 (18:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A:stefano Vezzani So many thanks and good Sunday Hello Alessandro A:Stefano Vezzani Tante grazie e buona domenica Ciao Alessandro |
| sent on March 09, 2019 (18:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful image, congratulations Alessandro :-) Bellissima immagine, complimenti Alessandro |

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