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| sent on March 03, 2019 (12:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very beautiful Giorgio! Excellent contrasts! Congratulations! Molto Bella Giorgio! Ottimi contrasti! Complimenti! |
| sent on March 05, 2019 (22:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
You are the first to comment on a... Experiment, in fact similar photos ever made... Thanks, Hi G sei il primo a commentare un ...esperimento,infatti foto simili mai fatte...grazie,ciao G |
user125134 | sent on March 07, 2019 (18:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
of great visual impact... ;-) The snow seems to return the light... A dear greeting Giorgio. Daniel Di grande impatto visivo... La neve sembra restituire la luce... Un caro saluto Giorgio. Danilo |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (18:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Grandios Sunset, Bravo Giorgio. Hello! Grandios tramonto, bravo Giorgio. ciao! |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (19:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks to Danilo and Micio and again I repeat that the sky was much darker, practically nocturnal but I do not understand how the sensor has recorded these reddish tones, maybe it was the long exposure...., Hello G un grazie a Danilo e Micio e ribadisco ancora che il cielo era molto piu' scuro,praticamente notturno ma non capisco come il sensore abbia registrato questi toni rossastri,forse e' stata la lunga esposizione....,ciao G |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (21:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Why complain about a click, in my opinion, remarkable??? Congratulations instead! Perché lagnarsi per uno scatto, a mio avviso, notevole ??? Complimenti invece ! |
| sent on March 08, 2019 (23:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks bear of your support but my... Complaint is aimed only at the technical character on which I would like to understand more... In fact I know that the shot is discreet indeed that tone is even unnatural sky (among other stars) makes it particular so pass me my need to... Investigate more, meanwhile thanks again, Hello G Grazie Orso del tuo supporto ma la mia...lagnanza e' mirata solo al carattere tecnico sul quale vorrei capire di piu'...infatti so che lo scatto e' discreto anzi quel tono sia pur innaturale del cielo (tra l'altro stellato)lo rende particolare quindi passami la mia necessita' di...indagare di piu',intanto grazie ancora,ciao G |
| sent on March 17, 2019 (14:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A really good sunset. Congratulations Giorgio. a greeting. Eraldo. :-P Veramente un ottimo tramonto. Complimenti Giorgio. Un saluto. Eraldo. |
| sent on March 21, 2019 (14:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wow that atmosphere, very nice compliments.. ;-) Wow che atmosfera, molto bella complimenti.. |
| sent on March 22, 2019 (19:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks to Eraldo and Marco and renew my question of why the presence of the dominant orange-yellow despite the dark... Who has ideas is welcome, Hello G un grazie a Eraldo e Marco e rinnovo il mio quesito del perche' della presenza della dominante arancio-gialla nonostante il buio...chi ha idee e' benvenuto, ciao G |
| sent on August 20, 2019 (22:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
overall it's a nice and well-composed shot; for the dominant more depended on how you set the machine, i was captained blue dominantbecause because I had not varied the color balance made the previous evening. Hello nell'insieme è uno scatto piacevole e ben composto; per le dominanti pùò dipendere da come hai settato la macchina, a me erano capitate dominanti azzurre perchè non avevo variato il bilanciamento colore fatto la sera precedente. ciao |
| sent on August 21, 2019 (21:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
... finally someone who answers my question, with this the solution still not there but at least it's a beginning,I've got no small settings but... nothing, with that I do not take it then we will see with the next shots,thanks Benny,hello G ...finalmente qualcuno che risponde al mio quesito,con cio' la soluzione ancora non c'e ma almeno e' un inizio,io ho smanettato coi settaggi ma...nulla,con cio' non me la prendo vedremo poi con i prossimi scatti,grazie Benny,ciao G |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (17:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
.......................... Merry Christmas to you and family ......................... .......................... Buon Natale a te e Famiglia ............................ |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (18:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A wonderful atmosphere...... even fascinating.........congratulations A dear greeting and Happy Holidays Stefano Una stupenda atmosfera......addirittura affascinante.........complimenti Un caro saluto e Buone Feste Stefano |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (21:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
to Raimondo and Stefano a great thanks to the commentary of an image that.... I admit, with Christmas it's great!hello G. a Raimondo e Stefano un grande grazie al commento di una immagine che....ammetto,col Natale ci sta alla grande!ciao G. |
| sent on March 06, 2021 (16:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Magnificent lights and colors in this shot which is pure poetry !!! ;-) Magnifiche luci e colori in questo scatto che è poesia pura !!! |
| sent on March 06, 2021 (18:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you very much for your appreciation that comes among other things from those who love more what is under the coat of water, you really have remarkable shots that I will have to review calmly as obtained with much more effort and commitment than we... Terrestrial! hello G Ti ringrazio molto del tuo apprezzamento che viene tra l'altro da chi ama di piu' cio' che sta sotto al pelo dell'acqua,hai davvero scatti notevoli che dovro' rivedere con calma in quanto ottenuti con molta piu' fatica ed impegno di noi...terrestri! ciao G |
| sent on April 05, 2021 (8:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Composition and light of excellent level in this mountain image; the shade or dominant, whether you like, orange actually gives a lot to the photo, in nice contrast to the snowy close-up: great nice shot ! Leonard Composizione e luce di ottimo livello in questa immagine montana ; la tonalità o dominante , che dir si voglia , arancio in effetti dona molto alla foto , in bel contrasto con il primo piano innevato : gran bello scatto ! Leonardo |
| sent on April 05, 2021 (18:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
one of my places... Magic... glad you liked it,bye G uno dei miei posti...magici...contento ti sia piaciuto,ciao G |

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