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  4. » Montecchio Emilia

Montecchio Emilia ...

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Montecchio Emilia sent on February 13, 2019 (11:16) by Nike. 8 comments, 1361 views.

, 1/400 f/1.4, ISO 6400, hand held.

View High Resolution 3.0 MP  

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sent on February 13, 2019 (11:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

We look forward to here on Juzaphoto a brief but precise review of this new camera, which you had the honor to try :-D :-D :-D
both merits and defects logically.............. ;-)
Let us know!!

sent on February 13, 2019 (22:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Yes in fact I had it for a couple of hours I did some testing

sent on February 19, 2019 (8:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Waiting for the exit with field test then review, I ask you if it is worth taking it in place of my current Nikon D810.

sent on February 19, 2019 (21:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello David, if you have never tried a 4/3 and an electronic viewfinder, before
is better than the test, the system is valuable, Zuiko optics are among the best,
then the already established e-M1 dmii is very valid

sent on February 27, 2019 (17:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Nike, my first digital was the Olympus E300 and I was amazed by the quality of the files, we talk about the years 90, now I would be retried because I know that Oly has made great strides, I need very high resolution for very large prints, and work quietly at least 6400 ISO.
I am attracted by the professional that is outgoing
Nikon I have nothing to say but the portability of the oly is valid

sent on February 27, 2019 (18:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello David, the advantages of micro are certainly the portability, not the problem of micro-blur that instead of the full frame with the mirror, the sensor gets dirty much less, the less work of post production, files with less pixels so less problem with the computer , to the least problem with wide angles at the edges, the price the optics cost much less, you this M1x do not give it, but I remind you that if you want to spend half there is the very valid M1 II, which is also a professional and is not afraid of anything

sent on March 06, 2019 (11:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It seems to me a very good result at 6400 ISO for this nocturnal freehand, your impressions seem to me positive Nik. This week I go to try it, I hope it goes badly otherwise the wallet cries ;-)

sent on March 23, 2019 (21:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Andrea, prepares wallet then

RCE Foto

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