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  4. » Orion Belt

Orion Belt...

Astrofotografia dal 2018...

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Orion Belt sent on November 14, 2018 (17:31) by Cristianfat. 15 comments, 1534 views.

, Posa B f/2.8, ISO 800, tripod.

Con questa immagine inauguro il mio nuovo "piccolo" obiettivo: il Canon 400mm F2,8 is II. L'entusiasmo del nuovo acquisto mi ha spinto ad usarlo alla prima occasione buona, dal terrazzo della casa dove abito, a Montecassiano, un piccolo paese in provincia di Macerata (ITALY). Ho voluto riprendere la zona della cintura di Orione, fino ad includere nell'inquadratura il complesso nebuloso della Testa di Cavallo, una regione di cielo affascinante e fotograficamente bellissima. L'elaborazione (con DSS e Photoshop) è stata molto laboriosa, vista la differente luminosità e colorazione delle zone inquadrate. Ho prestato molta attenzione in particolare ai colori, per cercare un equilibrio il più possibile naturale all'osservatore. La ripresa è stata ottenuta con una Canon 6d modificata Baader e filtri IDAS D1 per i colori e H-alfa 12nm Astronomik per la componente rossa usata come parziale luminanza. In totale sono state necessarie circa 5 ore di esposizione, equamente suddivise. In rgb ho usato tempi di 5 minuti a 800 iso, in H-alfa 10 minuti a 1600 iso. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx With this image I inaugurate my new "small" lens: the Canon 400mm F2.8 is II. The enthusiasm of the new purchase prompted me to use it on the first good occasion, from the terrace of the house where I live, in Montecassiano, a small town in the province of Macerata (ITALY). I wanted to resume the area of ??the belt of Orion, up to include in the frame the nebulous complex of the Horsehead, a region of sky fascinating and photographically beautiful. The processing (with DSS and Photoshop) was very laborious, given the different brightness and color of the framed areas. I paid a lot of attention, in particular to the colors, to look for a balance as natural as possible to the observer. The shot was obtained with a modified Canon 6d Baader and IDAS D1 filters for colors and H-alpha 12nm Astronomik for the red component used as partial luminance. In total, approximately 5 hours of exposure were required, equally divided. In rgb I used times of 5 minutes at 800 ISO, in H-alpha 10 minutes at 1600 ISO. [IMG2]16379012[/IMG2]

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sent on November 14, 2018 (20:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Woww.... seems made with CCD cooled

sent on November 15, 2018 (0:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It's a very impressive achievement, congratulations :-)

sent on November 15, 2018 (1:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really nice field, with that goal is exploited well the FF format, although it would be interesting to do tests to see how much is lost compared to a small telescope apochromatic for example

sent on November 15, 2018 (5:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on November 15, 2018 (12:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Magnificent work and extraordinary chromatic balance. But now for you we have finished the adjectives... :-D
and congratulations for the new "small" purchase (certainly not by everyone....) ;-)

sent on November 17, 2018 (1:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks to all for the compliments, the optics is certainly exceptional, but considering that I have taken from home I'm just curious what can afford to get under a better sky!

sent on November 17, 2018 (9:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Result really noteworthy.
The IDAS filter I think he helped you a lot.
Very interesting also the use of the filter has with the sensor of the 6d, in this regard it would be nice to appreciate a single shot made with this filter.

sent on November 18, 2018 (10:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Many compliments for excellent work done!

sent on November 18, 2018 (23:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks, the area is really charming, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

sent on November 18, 2018 (23:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

As requested by Giancarlo, here you can evaluate a frame in H-alpha...

sent on November 19, 2018 (12:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful work Cristian.... my compliments.

sent on November 21, 2018 (12:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

of an amazing cleaning!
I'd see it very well here:

sent on December 03, 2018 (8:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

[IMG]https://s25.postimg.cc/svfqb0a4f/Risorsa_2_4x.png [/IMG]

sent on December 03, 2018 (8:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on December 03, 2018 (9:44) | This comment has been translated


RCE Foto

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