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| sent on November 01, 2018 (10:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Excellent document that testifies well the great discomfort of Venetian traders, the inscription: "Showcase in" seems almost a harbinger, congratulations. Hello. . Ottimo documento che testimonia bene il grande disagio dei commercianti Veneziani, la scritta: " vetrina in" sembra quasi un presagio, complimenti. Ciao. Paki. |
| sent on November 01, 2018 (10:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Another 10 cm and I greet you paratia...la maximum was 156cm: in comparison to that of the 1966 of 194cm.... :-or the disaster has grazed. Anyway you made a great document, Vincenzo, congratulations! (Ps But you were on the catwalk?) Fabio Altri 10 cm e ti saluto paratia...la massima è stata di 156cm : in confronto a quella del 1966 di 194cm....si è sfiorato il disastro. Comunque hai fatto un ottimo documento, Vincenzo, complimenti! (Ps ma eri sulla passerella?) Fabio |
| sent on November 01, 2018 (11:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Fabio, the walkways in St. Mark's Square have taken away at 13 because they were useless and we were driven from the same because the police were dangerous to stay there, the photo was made in Calle dei Fuseri which is narrow and therefore nothing Walkways throughout the year, however I was protected since I started from Padua with high fisherman boots to the groin, thanks for the comment ;-) Grazie Paki Fabio, le passerelle in piazza San Marco le hanno tolte alle 13 perché erano inservibili e ci hanno cacciati dalla stessa perché per le forze dell'ordine era pericoloso stare lì, la foto è stata fatta in Calle dei Fuseri che è stretta e pertanto niente passerelle per tutto l'anno, comunque ero protetto poiché sono partito da Padova con gli stivali da pescatore alti fino all'inguine, grazie per il commento |
| sent on November 01, 2018 (11:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I like it very much. Inevitable to notice the "veneentiity" of the saleswoman. How's the Z-series 24-70? mi piace molto. Inevitabile notare la "venezianità" della commessa. Come va il 24-70 serie Z? |
| sent on November 01, 2018 (12:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Mark, now more than 30% of exercises is run by Asian, regarding the 24-70mm S I would say that goes more than good, practical, lightweight and weight-content, however to buy together as a kit to the Z series, alone stop too ciao Marco, ormai più del 30% di esercizi è gestito da asiatici, per quanto riguarda il 24-70mm S direi che va più che bene, pratico, leggero e dal peso contenuto, comunque da comprare insieme come kit alla serie Z, da solo sosta troppo |
| sent on November 01, 2018 (14:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful scenic representation, dramatic I would say. Paki has grasped well the detail of the inscription "Showcase in". Excellent composition and the b/n Hello Stefano Bella rappresentazione scenica, drammatica direi. Paki ha colto bene il particolare della scritta "vetrina in". Ottima la composizione ed il b/n Ciao Stefano |
| sent on November 01, 2018 (16:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Stefano for the passage and comment, more than welcome grazie Stefano per il passaggio e il commento, più che gradito |
| sent on November 10, 2018 (16:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The 4th high water ever (at least in the "modern" story....), the high water for which the MOSE "would" have been indispensable to avoid it, thus avoiding the huge damages indotti.....ma you know, in Italy first comes the disaster and then it reaverages, with millions of € urini to Following..... Beautiful image, congratulations! Ciauuuzz Mario la 4a acqua alta di sempre (almeno nella storia "moderna"....), l'acqua alta per cui il MOSE "sarebbe" stato indispensabile per evitarla, evitando così i danni ingenti indotti.....ma si sa, in Italia prima arriva il disastro e poi si rimedia, con milioni di €urini al seguito..... splendida immagine, complimenti! ciauuuzz Mario |
| sent on November 10, 2018 (16:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations on the document.. Hello Sonia Complimenti per il documento.. Ciao Sonia |
| sent on November 10, 2018 (16:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations Vincenzo, Beautiful image although, unfortunately, reminiscent of a very bad moment. Greetings, Paul Complimenti Vincenzo, bellissima immagine anche se, purtroppo, ricorda un bruttissimo momento. Saluti, Paolo |
| sent on November 10, 2018 (16:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I agree with those who preceded me in commenting on this documentary photo. Very good realization. Hello and congratulations. Simone Concordo con chi mi ha preceduto nel commentare questa foto documentaristica. Ottima realizzazione. Ciao e complimenti. Simone |
| sent on November 10, 2018 (17:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
An incredible document., moment caught perfectly. Hello David. Un documento incredibile., momento colto perfettamente. Ciao Davide. |
| sent on November 10, 2018 (17:11) | This comment has been translated
Good documentary photo! |
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