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| sent on August 22, 2018 (19:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I will be happy with my wishes.......... a beautiful lot...... Mi agrego agli Auguri……….un sacco bella…... |
| sent on August 22, 2018 (19:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Sexy sexy |
| sent on August 22, 2018 (22:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Of a shocking sensuality, congratulations to both. ;-) Di una sensualità sconvolgente,complimenti a entrambi. |
| sent on August 22, 2018 (23:24) | This comment has been translated
I am speechless! |
| sent on August 23, 2018 (7:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Peter A dedication so it is the most beautiful gift that I could do, I very much appreciate your gesture and the Padovana portrayed, I do not know how to thank. Besides everything is a valuable shot for the delicate sensuality that shows, and the beauty is prosperous but not dirty. Praise not to end up with Rebecca and you who have it again. A big and warm hug to both, I hope to see you soon Pietro una dedica così é il piú bel regalo che mi si potesse fare, apprezzo moltissimo ol tuo gesto e la padovana ritratta, non so come ringraziati. Oltre tutto é uno scatto pregevole per la delicata sensualità che mostra, e la bellezza prosperosa ma non sconcia . Lodi a non finire alla Rebecca e a te che l'hai ritratra. Un grande e caloroso abbraccio ad entrambi, spero di rivederti presto |
| sent on August 23, 2018 (7:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Raimondo and Rosario, thank you so much for your wishes, if we were close I would have had a party.... I wish you well, have a good day. Forgive me peter if I used you to answer these two wonderful people. Raimondo e Rosario, grazie mille per i vostri auguri , se eravamo vicini avrei fatto una festa.... Vi auguro ogni bene, buona giornata. Perdonami Pietro se ti ho usato per rispondere a queste due splendide persone. |
| sent on August 23, 2018 (8:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
These are the real nudes that make the photo beautiful... congratulations, M. Questi sono i veri nudi che fanno bella la fotografia...Complimenti,M. |
| sent on August 23, 2018 (9:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful portrait, and greetings to Mat. Bellissimo ritratto, e auguri a Mat. |
| sent on August 23, 2018 (9:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A nice sensual portrait of a beautiful woman bursting. Congratulations also for the black and white toning un bel ritratto sensuale di una bella donna prorompente. complimenti anche per il viraggio in bianco e nero |
| sent on August 23, 2018 (10:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
nn I knew that the Paduan were so nn sapevo che le padovane fossero così |
| sent on August 23, 2018 (12:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful b/N. I really like the cut, the framing and the expression. Congratulations Bellissimo b/n. Mi piace molto il taglio, l inquadratura e L espressione. Complimenti |
| sent on August 23, 2018 (13:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great gift for Mat, he sure will have accepted. Hello Peter from FB Gran bel dono per Mat, di sicuro avrà accettato. Ciao Pietro da FB |
| sent on August 24, 2018 (7:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you all! I'm surprised at the unexpected success of "Photo Greetings to Mat" as you have noticed was for months that I did not post anything, especially because looking at the section nude, I found photos without good taste and often very vulgar everyone is free to do what He wants, to shoot as he wants... be clear But according to my vision, a nude picture must above all show and not see, must transmit sensuality and give an emotion. At this point I will try to repost photos and see how it goes Peter Grazie a tutti ! Sono sorpreso del successo inaspettato della "foto auguri a Mat" Come avrete notato era da mesi che non postavo nulla, sopratutto perche' guardando la sezione nudo, trovavo foto senza buongusto e spesso molto volgari Ognuno e' libero di fare cio' che vuole, di scattare come vuole...sia chiaro Ma secondo la mia visione, una foto di nudo deve sopratutto fare vedere e non vedere, deve tramettere sensualita' e dare un'emozione. A questo punto provero' a ripostare foto e vediamo come va Pietro |
| sent on August 24, 2018 (7:56) | This comment has been translated
Wow! |
| sent on August 24, 2018 (10:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Femininity without vulgarity! Beautiful. Femminilità senza volgarità! Bella. |
user100872 | sent on August 28, 2018 (7:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
It's bad to say but most of the photos in this section seem taken by the Department of R.I.S. on the scene of a crime, bodies on the ground, on couches or beds, exposed in totally unnatural positions, detailed closeups on anatomical parts that seem to have to Documenting the incident, no compositional commitment... The only purpose of taking pictures of this type I think is to be pleased with the trivial comments that maybe you will receive... A shot like this, albeit in its simplicity compositional, conveys to those who observe pleasant sensations, proves to be thought of as well as excellently realized. The section thanks, congratulations. E' brutto dirlo ma gran parte delle foto di questa sezione sembrano scattate dal reparto dei R.I.S. sulla scena di un crimine, corpi a terra, su divani o letti, esposti in posizioni totalmente innaturali, primi piani dettagliati su parti anatomiche che sembrano dover documentare l'accaduto, nessun impegno compositivo ... Il solo scopo di scattare immagini di questo tipo penso sia il compiacersi per i banali commenti che magari si riceveranno ... Uno scatto come questo, seppur nella sua semplicità compositiva, trasmette a chi osserva sensazioni piacevoli, dimostra di essere pensato oltre che ottimamente realizzato . La sezione ringrazia, complimenti. |
| sent on September 13, 2018 (9:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
One of the very rare photos of this section that deserves compliments. Gorgeous. Finally a photo where there are no intimate parts or breasts in sight and in which is not only photographed a beautiful model (which makes the photo beautiful). Congratulations again. Una delle rarissime foto di questa sezione che merita complimenti. Stupenda. Finalmente una foto in cui non ci sono parti intime o seni in vista ed in cui non è solamente fotografata una modella bella (che rende bella la foto). Complimenti ancora. |
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