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| sent on August 09, 2018 (19:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A nice lot......... Hello Raymond. Un sacco bella……… Ciao Raimondo. |
user59947 | sent on August 09, 2018 (19:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful representation George Bella rappresentazione Giorgio |
user100958 | sent on August 09, 2018 (19:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful, full of tattoos. ;-) Bellissima, un pieno di tatuaggi. |
| sent on August 09, 2018 (20:28) | This comment has been translated
Great shot! |
| sent on August 09, 2018 (20:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Raimondo Toni Ardian and Dede You are the first to comment or at least to analyze one of my various shots... stolen, parking the car and already noticed the context, I... sling the shot... Carpe diem, I did not want the faces of my choice, so quick and Painless three shots, this I see that you liked, was my favorite, analyzing then I think the tattoo artist could be the same for both subjects,... great work I would say (on excellent surfaces!) Even though I'm from the Popeye generation who had on his arm a simple yet but that gave him that I don't know that to get noticed by his Olivia... maybe once had more value what you had inside instead of externalizing obvious skin messages and perhaps not Duraturi...de Gustibus.. , thanks again to all of the pass, Hi G. Raimondo Toni Ardian e Dede siete i primi a commentare o perlomeno ad analizzare uno dei vari mie i scatti...rubati,posteggio la macchina e gia' notato il contesto,mi ...fiondo allo scatto...carpe diem,non volevo i visi per mia scelta,quindi rapido ed indolore tre scatti,questo vedo che vi e' piaciuto,era il mio preferito,analizzando poi credo che il tatuatore poteva essere lo stesso per entrambe i soggetti,...ottimi lavori direi (su ottime superfici!)anche se io sono della generazione di Popeye che aveva sul braccio una semplice ancora ma che gli dava quel non so che per farsi notare dalla sua Olivia...forse una volta aveva piu' valore quello che si aveva dentro invece di esteriorizzare messaggi cutanei palesi e forse non duraturi...de gustibus.. ,grazie ancora a tutti del passaggio,ciao G. |

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