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  4. » Liquid force-Gullfoss

Liquid force-Gullfoss...


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Liquid force-Gullfoss sent on April 07, 2018 (22:03) by Alberto Sobrero. 7 comments, 352 views. [retina]

at 18mm, 15 sec f/10.0, ISO 100, tripod.

Lunga esposizione scattata da uno dei viewpoints a Gullfoss. Si può apprezzare la forza incredibile della massa d'acqua che, sciogliendosi dai ghiacciai, ingrossa il fiume che la forma.

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sent on April 07, 2018 (22:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Good show

sent on April 07, 2018 (23:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Good point shooting.

Overall does not convince me for these reasons:

-very contrasty

-Blue dominant in areas OMB

-lights burned top right and on some snowy areas

-flare intrusive

-sensor cloned speckle

You could make a filter ndg soft from 0.9 that would oppose the lights burned and highlights and edit degrees kelvin


sent on April 08, 2018 (14:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Maurice and thanks Elleemme for the passage and comments:)

In fact slightly burned areas depend on the lack of a graduated filter (which I didn't) at the time of shooting, and whether multiple exposures I made do not overlap because of the strong wind that did move the car between one shots and the other:-(, while blue casts it was my mistake in closing files in PP where applying the blur to the mask took away much of the correction without it then I knew ... the flare is actually not much, but I think you can remove easily as the stain on the sensor.



sent on April 08, 2018 (18:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

If it's any inspiration, Alberto, read this topic)


Honestly I like it will these mechanical optimization systems, Anglo-Saxon.

Not bad the Ni-kit is by adding filters to the plate Ni-or haida or lee.

I opted for holder lee + mixed + ndg and nd filters pola haida haida/lee

Hi, Lauro

sent on April 08, 2018 (18:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Awesome beauty and strength.

Hello from FB

sent on April 09, 2018 (6:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A beautiful landscape composition von Nice pdr. Shame about the highlights a bit sovraesposposte. Bravo and congratulations

sent on April 11, 2018 (0:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Lah ... I know that someday I will have to gear up;). The problem is that I don't happen often to be around with all the equipment and so I don't know how I'd use .... we'll see;)

Thanks to Franco and Alpha for the ride and for leaving your comments:)

A greeting


RCE Foto

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