RCE Foto

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  4. » Me and my square

Me and my square...

Vigevano 3

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Me and my square sent on January 04, 2018 (12:57) by Coradocon. 109 comments, 5225 views. [retina]

, 1/60 f/8.0, ISO 100, hand held.

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141 persons like it: Agaler Layenel, Agata Arezzo, Alberto Gagliardi, Albertoscaccia, Albieri Sergio, Alcs, Alejandro Colombini, Alepou, Alessandro Maggiore, Alessandro Traverso, Alessandro57, Andesigno, Andrea Biagiolini, Andrea Cocchi, Angelo Adorisio, Annamaria Pertosa, AnnH, Antonio Pardini, Ardian, Arvina, Bal, Banjo911, Bart La Gioia, BeyondNicScogna, Braxittu, Brièxit, Bruno Brogi, Carlo Bassi, Carlo OZ, Cinzia P, Claudio Cozzani, Claudio Ricci, Cosiminodegenerali, Daniele_86, Dantes, Dario1960, Dede66, Donna, Eemac73, Ellezeta, Emmegiu, Enzo1932, Eugenio Costa, Fabiana, Fabio.Whitebread, Fbr, Federico_28, Felice Ciorciari, Fiorenzofanton, Flavio El flaco Catenaro, Flavio Paganelli, Fragarbo, Francesco Colucci, Francesco Della Santa, Francescoc, Franco Abbiati, Franco Buffalmano, G.luca75, GattaAgata, Germano58, Giovanni e Davide, Giuseppe Merlino, Ilcannibale, Innocenti Roberto, Ivan1184, Jancuia, Jerry Vacchieri, Lanfranco Randi, Leonardo Nieri, Lu141, Luci, LucianoSerra.d, Luigi Mossali, Maggiolino, Mamaroby, Maracante, Marco Biancalani, Marco Neri, Marco Riccardi, Marino Bozzi, MarkB94, Marzio Bambini, Mascellable, Massimo Vertuani, Mauriziol, Mauro Monesi, Max010, Maximilian69, MaxNikonista63, Nightflier, Nino 58, Nordend4612, Oleg74, Orietta Bussolino, Orso49, Paolo Fuso, Paolo Macis, Paolo P, Peppe Cancellieri, Perseo, Pgatto, Phshoot, Pier Luigi Ferrari, Pierfilippi, Piergiovanni Pierantozzi, Pinitti, Piotr K., Pippo65, Quellolà, Raffaele1978, Renzo Fermo, Rinaldo1005, Rino Orlandi, Roberto Ravecca, Roberto Tamanza, Ronda, Rosario Cafiso, Sandro Cressi, Sc56, Sergio Bartolomeo, Sesse, Sg67, Silver58, Silvio Maccario, Simokashi, Sma, Stefania Saffioti, Stefano.al, Stefano0966, Stendhal, TommasoGiorni, Tommy1971k, Valentina D'Arienzo, Vincenzo De Paola, Vincenzo Sciumè, Vito Serra, Vittorio.f, Walter Verna, Woody74, Zen56zen, Zoemanu

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sent on January 04, 2018 (13:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

..... and your Canon !!

sent on January 04, 2018 (13:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Yes, it's 7 Mark II. Hi Corrado

sent on January 04, 2018 (13:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Did you buy a square?

sent on January 04, 2018 (13:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

No, it's only on loan. Greetings Corrado

sent on January 04, 2018 (14:12)

Great shot, Corrado! I'm not sure it would help me recognise you if I passed you in the street though! MrGreen

Ann :))

sent on January 04, 2018 (14:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Excellent image compliments Corrado.
A greeting.
Mauro ;-) :-P

sent on January 04, 2018 (14:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you
Greetings Corrado

sent on January 04, 2018 (17:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

beautiful image like the others you have published, I see that you are making extensive use of the fish that for some photos is
truly exceptional. a greeting and a wish of happy new year Bruno.

sent on January 04, 2018 (17:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Bruno. Best wishes.

sent on January 04, 2018 (22:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A kind of selfie, at a distance ..., a very nice "working" self-portrait with protics and the beautiful square with a "fish" effect in the background (even if you have masked behind that "cannon": -o :-D); very good Corrado.
A warm greeting and Happy New Year.
Claudio :-P

sent on January 04, 2018 (23:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Happy New Year to you too Claudio. Hi Corrado

sent on January 05, 2018 (7:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful photo Corrado.
Hi flower. :-)

sent on January 05, 2018 (7:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very beautiful
Hi Corrado

sent on January 05, 2018 (7:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you
Good day Conrad

sent on January 05, 2018 (8:06) | This comment has been translated

I really like it!

sent on January 05, 2018 (8:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great shot / selfie beautiful square, congratulations! :-)

sent on January 05, 2018 (8:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you
Good day Conrad

sent on January 05, 2018 (8:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Cute idea and successful selfie, congratulations 8-) 8-) 8-)
A greeting


sent on January 05, 2018 (8:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Raffaele Hello Corrado

sent on January 05, 2018 (8:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

great use of Sammy, beautiful image / selfie, hello :-)

RCE Foto

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