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| sent on December 08, 2017 (19:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Magnificent Daniel. Tell me that you also quickly composed it because otherwise you are monstrous! However it is him (Yahoo Serious) Andrew Magnifica Daniele. Dimmi che l'hai anche velocemente composta perché altrimenti sei mostruoso! Comunque è proprio lui (Yahoo Serious) Andrea |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (22:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Ahah Andrea is him :) I do not remember using the display, usually I try to mentally compose the shot then not always the subject understood in the desized position;) Thank you so much Andre! Always kind! :) Ahah Andrea é lui :) Non ricordo di aver usato il display, solitamente cerco di comporre mentalmente lo scatto poi non sempre il soggetto capita nella posizione desiserata ;) Grazie mille Andre! Sempre gentile! :) |
| sent on December 10, 2017 (19:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
:-) Fantastic street! There is so much inside and it immediately emerged flipping through the gallery! The highlight lies in the two looks, but the whole scene is rich. Good job! Framing, perception and readiness at the top. Personally I find blacks too powerful and deep, but they are details. Cordial greetings. Fantastica street! C'è dentro davvero tanto ed è subito emersa sfogliando la galleria! Il clou sta nei due sguardi, ma tutta la scena è ricca. Ottimo lavoro! Inquadratura, percezione e prontezza al top. Personalmente trovo i neri troppo poderosi e profondi, ma sono dettagli. Saluti cordiali. |
| sent on December 10, 2017 (19:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Claudio! Thank you so much for the visit, you're right ... I always try not to overdo it in post but I always end up drowning the blacks;) Ciao Claudio! Grazie mille per la visita, hai ragione... cerco sempre di non esagerare in post ma finisco sempre per affogare i neri ;) |
| sent on December 10, 2017 (19:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
:-D I understand well I am for the sharp contrasts, but eye! ;-) Capisco bene anche io sono per i contrasti netti, occhio pero! |
| sent on December 10, 2017 (19:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
beautiful street ........... :-) bella street........... |
| sent on December 10, 2017 (19:44) | This comment has been translated
So cool!! |
| sent on December 10, 2017 (21:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hi Jerry! Hi Vittorio! Thank you so much for the visit! :) Ciao Jerry! Ciao Vittorio! Grazie mille per la visita! :) |
| sent on December 29, 2017 (16:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
excellent timing: D ottimo timing :D |
| sent on December 29, 2017 (17:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hi Giova! thank you so much! :) Ciao Giova! grazie mille! :) |
user137840 | sent on December 31, 2017 (15:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wow! you've got the real concept of Street and you do not have to teach yourself anything ... rather there's something to learn ...: -o Caspita! hai colto il vero concetto di Street e non bisogna insegnarti nulla...piuttosto c'è da imparare... |
| sent on December 31, 2017 (15:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Filippo really kind! :)) for me it is a great satisfaction to know that you like my shots! :) Filippo veramente gentile! :)) per me é una grande soddisfazione sapere che ti piacciono i miei scatti! :) |
| sent on December 31, 2017 (15:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I have already written in the past that I love your street, you have a style all yours and unmistakable, in this particular I find the expression of the child fantastic. Continue like this also in 2018, I recommend. Hello Paki Ti ho già scritto in passato che adoro le tue street, hai uno stile tutto tuo ed inconfondibile, in questa in particolare trovo fantastica l'espressione della bambina. Continua così anche nel 2018, mi raccomando. Ciao Paki |
| sent on December 31, 2017 (15:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hi Paki! Thank you so much! Lately I'm shooting less, I often seem to repeat myself but reading your comment definitely returns the desire;) Ciao Paki! Grazie di cuore! Ultimamente sto scattando meno, spesso mi sembra di ripetermi ma leggendo il tuo commento ritorna sicuramente la voglia ;) |
| sent on January 17, 2018 (21:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really nice
Patrician Proprio bella Complimenti Ciao Patrizio |
| sent on January 17, 2018 (22:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hi Patrizio thank you very much for visiting! :) Ciao Patrizio grazie mille per la visita! :) |
| sent on February 13, 2018 (22:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Amazing shot !!! (I did not understand who he is, he seems to me the doctor returning to the future when he was young) Scatto strepitoso!!! (non ho capito chi è, a me sembra il dottore di ritorno al futuro da giovane) |
| sent on February 13, 2018 (22:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hi John! I did not even understand it but I could not not take it back;) Thanks for visiting! :) Ciao Giovanni! Non l'ho capito nemmeno io ma non potevo non riprenderlo ;) Grazie per la visita! :) |
| sent on May 02, 2018 (15:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
great shot!
Andrea scatto fantastico! Andrea |
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