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| sent on December 08, 2017 (8:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A fruitful kiss. Symbolic, captivating, full of content, decidedly successful. Andrew Un bacio fecondo. Simbolica, accattivante, piena di contenuto, decisamente riuscita. Andrea |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (8:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A recovery, a great emotion You're a great Vittorio, w life, always ;-)
Claudio C Una ripresa , una grande emozione Sei un grande Vittorio , w la vita, sempre Claudio C |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (8:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very beautiful! Hello Roberto Molto bella! Ciao Roberto |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (10:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Singular shooting position, which makes you enter the context and participate in this extraordinary event that is sharing and waiting for a couple to a new life. Very good Hi Stefano Singolare posizione di ripresa, che ti fa entrare nel contesto e partecipare a questo straordinario evento che è la condivisione e l'attesa di una coppia ad una nuova vita. Molto bravo Ciao Stefano |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (11:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Finally you have "laid down your arms" :-D. Remarkable expressiveness, wish you grandpa !!! Finalmente hai "deposto le armi" . Notevole espressività, auguroni nonno!!! |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (12:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very significant image. Congratulations to grandfather and family. :-) Immagine molto significativa. Congratulazioni a nonno e famiglia. |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (20:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A great shot that arouses emotion. Congratulations to the grandfather. Clara Un grande scatto che suscita emozione. Complimenti al nonno. Clara |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (21:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
How wonderful and what a thrill! All life in an image. A hug Vittorio. Paola Che meraviglia e che emozione! Tutta la vita in un'immagine. Un abbraccio Vittorio. Paola |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (8:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Exciting shot ... many compliments! Hi, Carla Scatto emozionante...tantissimi complimenti! Ciao, Carla |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (9:54) | This comment has been translated
Congratulations! |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (10:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful indeed, I think the point of recovery is its strength. Bella davvero, credo che il punto di ripresa sia la sua forza. |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (10:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
a superlative representation for perspective and realization! una rappresentazione superlativa per prospettiva e realizzazione ! |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (11:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Bella Vittorio. I refer to Andrea Pistinna for the rest. A warm greeting to the pertecipanti all'emozionante shot. Hi Raffaele :-) Bella Vittorio. Mi rifaccio ad Andrea Pistinna per il resto. Un caro saluto ai pertecipanti all'emozionante scatto. Ciao Raffaele |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (13:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful moment, of great emotion! The composition and the pdr are of great impact! If I can, give a small contribution to this beautiful image I would have illuminated the focal point of the image, the mother's womb, inverting clear areas and dark areas, but they are small details dictated perhaps by a personal taste. I congratulate you for this wonderful image and many happy birthday for the young grandpa! A hug Fonzie Bel momento, di grande emozione! La composizione ed il pdr sono di grande impatto! Se posso, dare un piccolo contributo a questa stupenda immagine avrei illuminato il punto focale dell immagine, il ventre materno, Invertendo zone chiare e zone scure, ma sono piccoli dettagli dettati magari da un gusto personale. Ti faccio tanti tanti complimenti per questa stupenda immagine e tanti tanti auguri per il giovane nonno! Un abbraccio Fonzie |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (13:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I do not know if you can vote at the Jura contest ...... I would vote for this :-) Non so se si possa votare al Jura contest......io voterei questa |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (15:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Finally motherhood recovered in an original way! Best wishes and good luck for the contest ;-) Finalmente la maternità ripresa in maniera originale! Auguroni ed in bocca al lupo per il contest |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (17:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A beautiful shot, congratulations Piero. Un bellissimo scatto, complimenti Piero. |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (17:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I have observed many of them on the subject of motherhood, but this has particularly impressed me with inventiveness and tenderness. Good boy! Gios ;-) Ne ho osservate molte sul tema della maternità, ma questa mi ha particolarmente colpito per inventiva e tenerezza. Bravo! Gios |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (18:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Good evening
I thank all the speakers, both with the comments that I like.
Thanks for the wishes.
A greeting
Vittorio Buona sera Ringrazio tutti gli intervenuti, sia con i commenti che con i mi piace. Grazie per gli auguri. Un saluto Vittorio |
| sent on December 09, 2017 (19:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Here, as I think, the photo must show what the eye does not see, congratulations. Ecco, come penso io, la foto deve far vedere ciò che l'occhio non vede, complimenti. |
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