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| sent on November 30, 2017 (8:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations to you and the model! ;-) A fabulous shot.
Hello Roberto Complimenti a te e alla modella! Uno scatto da favola. Ciao, Roberto |
| sent on November 30, 2017 (18:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really nice this portrait, great work. Compliments. A greeting. Eraldo. :-P Veramente bello questo ritratto, ottimo lavoro. Complimenti. Un saluto. Eraldo. |
| sent on December 02, 2017 (2:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Roberto and Eraldo for the beautiful compliments. A greeting Claudio Grazie Roberto ed Eraldo per i bellissimi complimenti. Un saluto Claudio |
| sent on December 08, 2017 (13:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Claudio, I looked at many photos of your gallery, but I think they deserve much more of a simple "look". I'll watch them all calmly, because I have to recognize a skill and photographic taste for me Incredible. Moreover, it is very close to the genre that I prefer, but alas, my technique is light years away from your standar. Again congratulations from the heart ;-)
Sauro Ciao Claudio, ho dato un'occhiata a molte foto delle tua galleria, ma secondo me meritano molto di più di una semplice "occhiata". Con calma me le guarderò tutte, perché devo riconoscerti una bravura e gusto fotografico, per me incredibile. Peraltro si avvicina molto al genere che anch'io prediligo, ma aimè, la mia tecnica è lontano anni luce dal tuo standar. Ancora complimenti di cuore Sauro |
| sent on December 17, 2017 (23:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Dear Sauro, I do not know how to thank you for all these compliments, which are very welcome and will give me an extra motivation to commit myself to further improvement. I've never considered myself as good as you say, in fact, I've always thought I was far inferior to most photographers here on Juza. I'm trying to improve, aware that I still have a lot to learn. Thank you so much for your compliments, which I really appreciated. A greeting
PS I wrote this answer, without having seen your photographs, which are certainly not as mediocre as you think. Caro Sauro, non so come ringraziarti per tutti questi complimenti, che sono molto graditi e mi daranno una motivazione in più per impegnarmi a migliorare ulteriormente. Non mi sono mai considerato così bravo come dici tu, anzi, ho sempre pensato di essere di gran lunga inferiore alla maggior parte di fotografi qui su Juza. Sto cercando di migliorare, consapevole di avere ancora molto da imparare. Grazie infinite per i tuoi complimenti, che ho apprezzato davvero tantissimo. Un saluto Claudio P.S. Ho scritto questa risposta, senza aver visto le tue fotografie, che sicuramente non sono così mediocri come pensi. |
| sent on December 20, 2017 (19:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations Claudio, beautiful portrait! Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to you and your family, Paul Complimenti Claudio, bellissimo ritratto! Auguri di Buon Natale e felicissimo Anno Nuovo a te e famiglia, Paolo |
| sent on December 20, 2017 (20:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Super portrait, beautiful Super ritratto, stupendo |
user55404 | sent on December 20, 2017 (20:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Superlative portrait ... congratulations A greeting Ritratto superlativo... complimenti Un saluto |
| sent on December 20, 2017 (20:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks so much Paogar Peppe Savino your compliments are really precious and welcome for me, giving me the incentive to try to improve more and more. I also take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a beautiful and peaceful Christmas. Greetings and good light Claudio Grazie mille Paogar Peppe Savino i vostri complimenti sono per me veramente preziosi e graditi, dandomi lo stimolo per cercare di migliorare sempre di più. Colgo anch'io l'occasione per augurare anche a voi e ai vostri cari un splendido e sereno Natale. Saluti e buona luce Claudio |
| sent on December 21, 2017 (1:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful portrait Hello Bel ritratto Ciao |
| sent on December 21, 2017 (6:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Magnificent portrait, beautiful model, compliments Claudio Best wishes for a Merry Christmas :-) Alexander Magnifico ritratto, bellissima modella, complimenti Claudio Auguri per un sereno Natale Alessandro |
| sent on December 21, 2017 (18:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Andrea and Alessandro, for the welcome compliments, I'm glad you liked it. I wish you a Merry Christmas too. Greetings Claudio Grazie Andrea e Alessandro, per i graditi complimenti, sono contento vi sia piaciuta. Auguro anche a voi un sereno Natale. Saluti Claudio |
| sent on January 02, 2018 (17:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Fabulous shot and beautiful model! Scatto favoloso e modella bellissima! |
| sent on January 06, 2018 (23:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Dario for the compliments, you were very kind, I will also report those addressed to the model. Grazie Dario per i complimenti, sei stato gentilissimo, riferirò anche quelli rivolti alla modella. |
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