RCE Foto

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The French Forest

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Melodie sent on November 03, 2017 (15:25) by Gabriele Mannelli. 14 comments, 937 views.

Quella mattina l'aria frizzante tipica della stagione di fine autunno veniva "scaldata" dalle innumerevoli tonalità della foresta. Il mio respiro lo sentivo in perfetta sintonia con i suoni che avevo tutto attorno.. le gocce d'acqua cadevono al suolo creando una ritmica costante, il vento soffiava a tratti, leggero, facendo sfregare le foglie brunite, i flussi d'acqua come una grande orchestra suonavano armoniosi in sinergia con tutti gli elemementi del bosco, compreso me.. Nikon D800 Nikkor 14-24mm f.9 sec. 1/2 ISO 100 Polarizzatore 6.6x6.6

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sent on November 03, 2017 (15:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

You have succeeded in making those two big boulders the subject of the picture, resumed with great harmony in the woods. You have a great quality, in my opinion, to be able to compose in intricate environments and show them in your orderly and balanced photography. Congratulations Gabriele!

sent on November 03, 2017 (16:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Your shots are always loaded with atmospheres to me familiar, watching them seems to me the nicest place in the world

sent on November 03, 2017 (16:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really a beautiful autumn photo, full of tones and shades, with a wide breath!
I just add that I would have liked to have at least the central green tree with the uncut cut ... maybe you were already at 14 mm and something has to be cut in a similar scenario, but that's the feeling I had ... ;-)

Hi, Alberto.

sent on November 03, 2017 (16:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Max what you said makes me very happy! And you've centered on the real dilemma of this shot. I know the area well but I've always been annoyed by those two big boulders that are really to be excluded looking for composite harmony .. they are about five feet high and equally wide, "heavy "and bulky to include in that split of natural simplicity, but the cut from that part of the forest always fascinated me .. so to lighten them I also climbed on a large pyramidal form, very slippery, impractical but I managed to you and I have to struggle both myself and the stand in an absurd position. I had to, also responding to Alberto finding a compromise between the high and low part due to the absence of a margin of maneuver .. so the trigger is created by working on the disturbance element.
Thanks for the comment!

sent on November 03, 2017 (16:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great shot, difficult composition but I would have managed in a hefty way. Very nice contrast, well-dosed, which accentuates the three-dimensionality of the stones. Foliage to the utmost of its splendor for a triumph of magnificent autumn colors, so many congratulations Gabriele !!!
Hi Stefano ;-)

sent on November 03, 2017 (17:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

sent on November 03, 2017 (21:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I also quote what Max said about order and balance in so chaotic environments.
I really like the photo, it really makes you want to go and explore this forest.

sent on November 04, 2017 (4:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice picture
Quot what Max said
Perhaps by framing a little bit more, he did not cut the stream
Where is this place

sent on November 04, 2017 (8:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful shot and great work in PP. Hello

sent on November 04, 2017 (9:30) | This comment has been translated

Great shot!

sent on November 04, 2017 (19:37)

Excellent composition, the big rocks are perfect in relation to the rest of the gorgeous image.

sent on November 04, 2017 (21:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

WONDERFUL !!! .......... congratulations!
Hi Carla

sent on November 05, 2017 (13:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

sent on August 13, 2018 (19:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Fantastic all the gallery, this is the one I like the most. Great detail, composition and atmosphere. Congratulations also for the accurate pp.

RCE Foto

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