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  1. Galleries
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  3. Landscape with human elements
  4. » Piazza Duomo Siracusa

Piazza Duomo Siracusa...


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Piazza Duomo Siracusa sent on September 09, 2017 (15:02) by Nemy81. 10 comments, 857 views.

, tripod. Siracusa, Italy.

Piazza Duomo, nel pieno centro dell'isola di Ortigia, è considerata una delle piazze barocche più belle della Sicilia. Un accurato restauro, concluso da poco, ha impreziosito questo ampio spazio, circondato da nobili palazzi antichi e facciate di chiese, fra le quali spicca ovviamente il Duomo, oltre ad ospitare anche il Palazzo Beneventano dal Bosco 1788, il Palazzo Senatorio (1633) sede del Municipio, l' Artemision sotto il Palazzo Senatorio dove sono stati trovati i resti di un tempio ionico greco del secolo VI avanti Cristo, l 'Arcivescovado del 1681, e il suo giardino pensile, la chiesa di Santa Lucia alla Badia che all'interno espone un importante quadro del Caravaggio, L'angolo di Palazzo Borgia Impellizzeri (1760) che ha un vasto e splendido cortile rococò di bell'impatto scenografico, appena restaurato. #NightPhotos #Notturno #Night #LongExposures #Notte #LungheEsposizioni #Reflection #Riflessi #chiese #monumenti

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sent on September 09, 2017 (15:11) | This comment has been translated


sent on September 09, 2017 (15:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Werner, my golden square ;-)

sent on September 18, 2017 (15:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice and special.
How many walks and meetings in this square, for us guys, was "normal", we did not mind its beauty.
Now I appreciate it very much and there is no doubt that it is a square among the most beautiful of Italy.

sent on September 20, 2017 (11:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Salbarg, wrapped us that we were born and raised there we do not realize the luck we have, always looking for distant beauties without knowing that true beauty is in the end inside of us. ;-)

sent on October 14, 2017 (12:14) | This comment has been translated

Very nice!

sent on October 14, 2017 (15:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Roberto, I pushed a bit too maybe ... :-( :-(

sent on November 04, 2017 (14:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

This too is very beautiful
A greeting

sent on November 04, 2017 (14:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Nemo, I appreciate it ...

sent on November 07, 2017 (15:06) | This comment has been translated


sent on November 07, 2017 (20:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you dear, I'm glad you like it. :-P

RCE Foto

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