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Or nice goin '...


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Or nice goin ' sent on August 27, 2017 (17:42) by Claudio Cozzani. 166 comments, 2792 views. [retina]

con Canon EF 1.4x III, 1/6400 f/6.3, ISO 500, hand held.

scrutando tra le onde ho visto questa scena , spariva l'uomo e rtornava..clik mamma che mare e che coraggio...lui è io ero ben saldo sul pontile....Viareggio

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sent on August 27, 2017 (17:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Fabulous Claudio,
Just a word ... spectacular!
Congratulations and greetings,

sent on August 27, 2017 (17:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

:-) Paul thanks very fast like ... the wind, good evening

sent on August 27, 2017 (17:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It only shakes me to see her, I imagine being in the middle of those waves !!!
Great shot Claudio compliment !!!
Luca ;-)

sent on August 27, 2017 (17:49) | This comment has been translated

Beautiful, congratulations!

sent on August 27, 2017 (17:49)

Greatness!!!! Compliments .

sent on August 27, 2017 (17:51) | This comment has been translated


sent on August 27, 2017 (17:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

;-) Spectacular compliments Claudio ;-)

sent on August 27, 2017 (17:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

:-) Luca
It's just a shiver to see you
you think it's disappearing continuously: -o courage to sell, well-found, thank you
:-) Fulvio is a pleasure to find you
:-) Julide grazieeeeeee !!!!! Well found

sent on August 27, 2017 (17:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

:-) Ardian nice to find you
:-) Francesco glad you like it

sent on August 27, 2017 (17:57) | This comment has been translated


sent on August 27, 2017 (17:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

:-) Gianni seen work, they have courage and ... unconscious :-P a pleasure to find you

sent on August 27, 2017 (18:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice hello Corrado

sent on August 27, 2017 (18:40)

Claudio! Excellent!

sent on August 27, 2017 (18:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful these waves Claudio .... hello!

sent on August 27, 2017 (18:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

You have published a wonderful series of photos that denotes your spirit of observation, sympathy and realization in photographic field, my most sincere compliments Claudio :-) :-P: -o
Hi, Renzo

sent on August 27, 2017 (19:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

:-) Corrado thanks
:-) Tim thanks
:-) Woody thank you
:-) Renzo a nice comment that makes me happy
Thanks my friend, good evening

good evening at all, nice to find you :-P

sent on August 27, 2017 (19:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great moment. It looks like paradise for kitesurfing lovers. To you California makes you a ! :-D

sent on August 27, 2017 (19:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

My mother waves and what courage .... Beautiful photos ...

sent on August 27, 2017 (19:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

:-) Clara
To you California makes you a mustache
:-D :-P you are strong, it is true, you do not complain, then I'm never going to The boundaries :-D good serarta
:-) Loredana seen that courage and that ... unconscious ... but for them .. good evening

sent on August 27, 2017 (19:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Despite the horseshoes and the windy day this beautiful photograph inspires serenity there is no one in danger just a brave sportsman riding the waves drawn by his colorful sail, would look like a maestral day of my Sardinia. It is great for Mr. Claudio to fold the action in panoramic format and to pick up the color brush that revives the scene at the right place. A salutone emme.

RCE Foto

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