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  4. » NGC 7000 by Col Raiser

NGC 7000 by Col Raiser...

Astronomia Cristian

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NGC 7000 by Col Raiser sent on June 26, 2017 (16:28) by Cristianfat. 6 comments, 1115 views.

, Posa B f/3.5, ISO 800, tripod.

Tengo molto a questa ripresa della nebulosa NGC7000 “Nord America”, perchè ottenuta con una semplice reflex modificata e non con i ben più performanti sensori ccd raffreddati. Si tratta di una vasta e debole nebulosa nella costellazione del Cigno, il suo diametro è oltre 4 volte quello della luna e dista circa 2000 anni luce. Il colore rosso che la caratterizza, dovuto all'idrogeno ionizzato, suggerisce un'intensa attività di formazione stellare. L'immagine è stata ripresa da Col Raiser, in Val Gardena, a 2100 metri di quota, eseguendo 18 pose da 8 minuti a 800 iso con la Canon 60d modificata al fuoco del teleobiettivo 400mm F2,8 chiuso a F3,5 senza nessun filtro. L'inseguimento è stato eseguito su montatura EQ6SS ed autoguida. L'elaborazione è stata condotta con DSS per lo stacking e Photoshop per l'enfatizzazione dei dettagli. I am very much in this resumption of the NGC7000 "North America" nebula, because it is obtained with a simple reflex modified and not with the much better performing cooled ccd sensors. It is a large and weak nebula in the Swan constellation, its diameter is over four times that of the moon and is about 2000 light years. Its red color, due to ionized hydrogen, suggests intense stellar formation activity. The image was shot by Col Raiser in Val Gardena, at 2100 meters high, performing 18 8-minute poses at 800 iso with Canon 60d modified at the focal length of the 400mm F2.8 telephoto lens closed at F3.5 without any filter . The tracking was performed on EQ6SS and autoguid mount. Processing was done with DSS for stacking and Photoshop for detail enhancement.

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sent on June 26, 2017 (16:40) | This comment has been translated

Great shot, congratulations!

sent on June 26, 2017 (16:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

... always the problem of green ... have you downloaded the HLVG?

sent on June 26, 2017 (17:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I've corrected the green! Maybe during the next processing it's a bit reemergent, but it does not bother me much so much so ....

sent on June 27, 2017 (7:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I see instead more than a problem with green a dominant blue on the whole photo.
Seeing the jobs you do I also spend some money on astronomical processing software like Pixinsight or others; In Pixinsight, the problem of green is resolved with a rapid passing of SCNR ;-)
There is still a good photo to fix the colors a bit.

sent on June 27, 2017 (8:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Probably also what you say Gianluca, but although I'd notice blue-tones, I preferred not correcting them to leave nuances other than the usual "all reds" typical of rgb shooting. In this case, the result seems more interesting, and very far, similar to the S2 O3 H-alpha shooting.
As for the software, I tried to use something more specific, but having had no experience with them I never got great results, so I went back to the "trust" photoshop, which I know better about the commands and which allows me to reach The results I prefer.

sent on June 27, 2017 (11:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

You wanted to make it a bit artistic in short :-D :-D
I understand, I started using Pixinsight and at the beginning of course it is not easy to juggle among the many possibilities it offers, but the difference is seen in the final photos.
Even if you do not think it needs urgent on this side ;-)

RCE Foto

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