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  4. » "Mestaine" is a heritage of Garfagngna

"Mestaine" is a heritage of Garfagngna...


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"Mestaine" is a heritage of Garfagngna sent on May 02, 2017 (15:01) by Lucafamlonga. 24 comments, 1263 views.

at 16mm, 25 sec f/4.0, ISO 6400, tripod.

Le mestaine qui da noi in Garfagnana le conosciamo tutti , sono quelle piccole chiesette dove le nostre nonne andavo a dire il rosario o una preghiera. Ma le mestaine sono un importante patrimonio poiché tipiche della Garfagnana un segno di una tradizione religiosa che era intrinsecamente legata alla vita dei Pastori e Agricoltori garfagnini e zone limitrofe . Queste piccole cappelle sono scrigni della tradizione e della cultura garfagnina che meriterebbero sicuramente una considerazione maggiore ! Oltre al fatto che indubbiamente trovarvisi davanti con la sola illuminazione delle piccole luci rosse poste dai fedeli sotto una magnifica volta stellata è estremamente suggestivo !

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sent on May 02, 2017 (17:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great Luke, good shots and testimony! W Garfagnana -D

sent on May 03, 2017 (12:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Emmanuel! W the Garfaa ;-) :-D

sent on May 03, 2017 (12:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello and welcome to the topic. Great shot ... the sky is beautiful ... it's not strap-posted with a thousand colors that make it fake ... so great x me. The first floor comes out of the sky ... I see it cold and bluish. Nn I'm an expert du lattee, but I think a light light painting would light you up the building ... I hope not to say a shit. Is it just a good shot? I would merge two shots, improving the first floor. The sky x me is the top. Hello. Nico (we're neighbors ... I'm a bridge to moriano :-D :-D)

sent on May 03, 2017 (13:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I find it very technically, very impressive. Do not dominate the long exposure technique - starry skies, so I do not want to overthrow the classic worm jar with out of place comments.
I just want to observe that - my personal taste - pdr is a bit too angulated from bottom to top: ok the starry sky but the distortion of the small building (well worth the rendering of the light spot) seems to me important.
I would have tried it with a slightly more lateral and taller PDD, reserving to the star the left side of the frame; Of course I do not know the place's morphology and therefore remains a purely theoretical suggestion.

sent on May 03, 2017 (13:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like everything! But really everything, it's a single shot?

sent on May 03, 2017 (13:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very beautiful, great composition and noise management

sent on May 03, 2017 (13:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello everyone ! is a post-produced single shot twice, I took illuminadno with flash (and a diffuser) for not having the chapel and then completely dark I worked selectively before the sky and then the chapel, but I started with a single click!
Nico Angeli on light painting you'd be right, but in the various attempts I was a crap. Small world 8-)
Riccardo Melzi: I've done well as a less angled but honestly I liked the most this! I know that the distortion is pretty obvious but in other pictures the composition did not like!
Emilianos85 Thanks!
Thomas Farina: Thanks!

sent on May 03, 2017 (14:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice compliment!

sent on May 03, 2017 (16:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like the sky and the composition. The colors of the chapel convince me not. It's not really a criticism, I guess the better it would have been impossible and frankly I do not even know how you could have done.

sent on May 03, 2017 (17:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I would correct the distortion, so it disturbs me a lot :-D I find it a bit excessive ..
Single exposure? I would try a double to reduce some noise to the left or alternatively close some shadows ;-) nice document anyway, the place I really like.
Hi Alessandro.

sent on May 03, 2017 (19:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The distortion given by 16mm folding construction ...
It is desired by you or just optics?

sent on May 03, 2017 (20:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Will84 I could make it hotter but I gave this cool shade because frankly I liked it more, also use a light color mask (on blue) in order to mitigate the chromatic noise. The flash had cheated me I thought it was enough but then the file was shutter and to recover the noise abounded :-D
Ales5s78: The problem is that I corrected with photoshop profile but 16 made almost at ground a little distorted, the location is stat a little forced by the Milky Way is the fact that it was very "side" would have to merge various horizontal shots for have something different :-)
I_Felix is ??mainly optical is the point of shooting at 10 cm from the ground that creates this effect, I used the camera raw correction for &# 39; objective and in any case having to do architecture like that distorts a bit ;-)

sent on May 03, 2017 (21:59) | This comment has been translated

Really nice, congratulations!

sent on May 03, 2017 (22:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very very beautiful Luca, it seems made with good technique
Bello also the cut that you heard him
hello Massimiliano

sent on May 04, 2017 (0:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The sky I really like, the little chapel in the foreground least for two reasons: it is too big and that bright red but spread to the center creates an ugly smear to a sharp picture and colors (and rightly so) cold.

sent on May 04, 2017 (17:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The right side only gives attention to your subjects, personally I would give priority to the left.
At a purely technical level I can help you up to a point because I keep banging on the same mistakes, however, leave a better wb, basically, since this is very cold, and I would lower a bit of luminance noise, a Little too much.
The subject is interesting, it only annoys the angle.

sent on May 04, 2017 (19:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I find the sky really interesting, maybe I would have moved the cottage a little to the right.

sent on May 04, 2017 (20:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The distortion of the chapel in the foreground is a bit annoying and penalizes a wonderful night photo. I would try to resume the shot using a different composition, maybe a shot made in front of the church reduces the falling lines created by the wide angle ;-)

sent on May 04, 2017 (20:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Brother Francis: Thank you!
White Massimiliano Thank you!
AleCs72 Thanks! Unfortunately I noticed that the light of the "candeline" electronics that came out was too strong but only the next day ... For the next time hopefully also improves the composition. Maybe popping a better angled milk I can better compose the building!
PaoloPgC: What do you mean with priority to the left? On the WB porbabilemnte somehow it would have got hotter than you reason and even on the noise! : - /
Ronkybuz: thank you!
Baribal: Unfortunately composition is the study being the first time I went I was destroyed by having to understand that the milky way would not come where I had idea though I had studied with stellarium and google earth ... .. we hope we canI'll do it again ;-)

sent on May 04, 2017 (21:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I would just cut the right part and open the left dj, the natural direction of the look.

RCE Foto

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