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  4. » Polygonia c-album Linnaeus 1758

Polygonia c-album Linnaeus 1758...

Macro II

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Polygonia c-album Linnaeus 1758 sent on August 14, 2012 (12:15) by Michymone. 14 comments, 1432 views.

, 2.5 sec f/3.5, ISO 100, tripod. Specie: Polygonia c-album

Nome Volgare: Vanessa c-bianco. Dimensioni: apertura alare 40-45 mm. Descrizione: farfalla caratteristica per la sagoma con margini frastagliati. Colore delle ali arancione chiaro con disegni bruni e rovescio scuro con evidente marcatura bianca, a forma di C, sull'ala posteriore. Il bruco si sviluppa su diverse piante tra cui ortica, luppolo e olmo. Una specie simile, ma meno diffusa, è la Polygonia egea. Distribuzione e habitat: comune in tutta Italia in diversi ambienti fioriti, margini dei boschi, siepi e giardini fino a 2000 metri di quota. Periodo di attività: adulti osservabili tra marzo e settembre in 2 generazioni. Gli adulti della seconda generazione svernano.

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sent on August 14, 2012 (13:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice, if you allow me I would have closed that is more narrow.
Maybe even now in post do not lose too much detail, I would try. For the rest I like. Bravo.

sent on August 16, 2012 (18:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

very very beautiful, my compliments hello flavio

sent on August 16, 2012 (18:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

If you had given the chance you'd have to tighten more on the subject highlighting even more the beautiful prey.
The shade of the background I find it fantastic.

sent on August 16, 2012 (19:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Always in style in your compositions.
The broad for me here it is, The subject is then unique ones!


sent on August 16, 2012 (20:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like the large composition of this shot which makes it most interesting helped by a nearly uniform background to make qyasi monochrome shooting ....

David Morellini

sent on August 16, 2012 (20:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Quoto David, I too like the composition, interesting.

sent on August 16, 2012 (20:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

beautiful light colors and subject compliments

sent on August 16, 2012 (21:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

beautiful capture, great shot, I too would have liked a little tight +,
stunning backdrop.

sent on August 16, 2012 (22:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

very nice this version, because I also remember that most closely ... ;-)
very beautiful colors and atmosphere of the background ... ;-)

sent on August 16, 2012 (23:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

beautiful background as a color scheme, but I think a compo closer it valorizzerebbe the already great success
hello congratulations

sent on August 16, 2012 (23:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

a set color very interesting good hello roberto

sent on August 17, 2012 (14:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks for visiting! ;-)

sent on August 17, 2012 (19:32)

Lovely image!

sent on August 26, 2012 (21:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

thank you to all

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