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| sent on November 03, 2016 (16:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
interesting overview, beautiful colors and light compliments for shooting Francis ;-) interessante panoramica,splendidi colori e luce complimenti per lo scatto Francesco |
| sent on November 03, 2016 (16:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Francesco, thanks for the appreciation! A lot about the place and go to the lens I was using ;-) Ciao Francesco, grazie mille per l'apprezzamento! Molto merito vanno al luogo e alla lente che stavo usando |
| sent on November 04, 2016 (0:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful, hello Andrea. Bella, ciao Andrea. |
| sent on November 04, 2016 (1:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Andrea, thanks to the passage! Ciao Andrea, grazie del passaggio! |
| sent on November 04, 2016 (7:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wonderful!! Hello, Arvina :-) Una meraviglia!! Ciao, Arvina |
| sent on November 04, 2016 (11:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Arvina Hello, thanks for appreciation and passage! Francis Ciao Arvina, grazie mille per apprezzamento e passaggio! Francesco |
user94858 | sent on November 12, 2016 (23:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
You must be squeezed for the D40 good, really quite an achievement! Devi aver spremuto per bene la D40, davvero un bel risultato! |
| sent on November 12, 2016 (23:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Paul, thank you! Well, after 8 years together, me and 40in, a bit 'of the feeling we have established ... ;-) That being said around Juza I saw shots made with 40 much more amazing (always considering the limitations). Thanks for the ride! Ciao Paul, grazie! Beh, dopo 8 anni insieme, io e la 40ina, un po' di feeling lo abbiamo instaurato... Detto questo in giro per juza ho visto scatti fatti con la 40 ben più incredibili (sempre considerandone i limiti). Grazie del passaggio! |
| sent on November 13, 2016 (18:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hi Francesco, This is certainly the shot in your favorite series. You worked really well with the optics and the unit. In high-resolution photos I worked (played) in post on the sharpness but otherwise is excellent. With f4've tried the detachment, I think that was your idea, but the details of the mountains are absolutely to be valued according to me :-) The composition captures the attention and good color contrast between foreground and background are the highlight of the picture. Very nice :-) Greetings and good Sunday. Ciao Francesco, Questo è di certo lo scatto che preferisco nella tua serie. Hai lavorato davvero bene con l'ottica e l'apparecchio. Nella foto ad alta risoluzione avrei lavorato (giocato) in post sulla nitidezza ma per il resto è ottima. Con f4 hai cercato lo stacco, penso che quella era la tua idea, ma i dettagli delle montagne sono assolutamente da valorizzare secondo me La composizione cattura bene l'attenzione e i contrasti cromatici tra primo piano e sfondo sono il clou della foto. Molto bella Saluti e buona domenica. |
| sent on November 13, 2016 (19:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Claudio Hello and thanks for your comment. With the 40D you can not push too hard with the sharpness, worth quite obvious artifacts. I decided on the maximum aperture because I liked more than to give ex-dividend, have a certain softness of the background. My intention was to look for a "dream atmosphere" effect that the place suggested to me, softening the background and the grassy knoll in the foreground with the focus. However everyone has priopria sensitivity and what you say is absolutely valid. This is simply the effects are normally felt that the moment you want to make. Ciao Claudio e grazie per il tuo commento. Con la 40D non si può spingere troppo con la nitidezza, pena artefatti abbastanza evidenti. Ho deciso per la massima apertura del diaframma perchè mi piaceva, più che dare stacco, avere una certa morbidezza dello sfondo. Il mio intento era di cercare un effetto di "atmosfera da sogno" che il luogo mi suggeriva, ammorbidendo lo sfondo e il dosso erboso in primo piano con lo sfuocato. Tuttavia ognuno ha la priopria sensibilità e ciò che dici è assolutamente valido. Questo è semplicemente l'effeto che sul momento sentivo di voler rendere. |
| sent on November 13, 2016 (20:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wonderful! Great shot and beautiful light. Compliments! Hello Anna Maria Meravigliosa! Ottimo scatto e bellissima luce. Complimenti! Ciao Annamaria |
| sent on November 13, 2016 (22:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Bentrovata Annamaria, thanks for the compliments and the transition. Bentrovata Annamaria, grazie dei complimenti e del passaggio. |
| sent on November 25, 2016 (17:51)
Thats a beautiful image!! Thanks so much for your comment! |
| sent on November 25, 2016 (18:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Ellen, glad to have you here.
Hello Francis Thank you Ellen, glad to have you here. Ciao Francesco |

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