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| sent on June 11, 2016 (23:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A really great compliments shooting A greeting Enrico Davvero un gran scatto complimenti Un saluto Enrico |
| sent on June 12, 2016 (0:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Enrico ... of the comment and the passage. A greeting, Pine Grazie Enrico...del commento e del passaggio. Un saluto, Pino |
| sent on June 12, 2016 (11:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Maybe technically it will also have some gaps but I like both as composed and designed both for the message it sends. The life of the couple, united by narrow hands as binary united by ties. Two souls which, although separate and walking on parallel lines if you look towards the infinite you seem to become one. Illusion or a dream come true?
Riccardo Forse tecnicamente avrà anche delle lacune ma a me piace sia per come composta e pensata sia per il messaggio che trasmette. La vita di coppia, unita dalle mani strette, come i binari uniti dalle traversine. Due anime che seppur separate e che camminano su linee parallele se le guardi verso l'infinito ti sembra diventino una sola cosa. Illusione o realizzazione di un sogno? Riccardo |
| sent on June 12, 2016 (13:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Riccardo ... Never comment was so pleased ... Never comment was so timely ... You have fully grasped what I wanted to convey the picture ... Is not the photograph that wants and needs to transmit emotions to the viewer? Well ... your comment is worth a thousand like. A greeting, Pine Riccardo... Mai commento fu cosi gradito... Mai commento fu cosi puntuale... Hai colto appieno quello che la fotografia voleva trasmettere... Non è forse la fotografia che vuole e deve trasmettere emozioni a chi la guarda? Ecco... il tuo commento vale più di mille like. Un saluto, Pino |
| sent on January 22, 2017 (23:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I really like, transmits emotion and has a fantastic light show A me piace molto, trasmette emozione e ha un gioco di luci fantastico |
| sent on January 22, 2017 (23:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The photograph is itself emotion, and if you do not send it ... then it remains a simple image. He thinks that the poems are written with the pen, the photos ... ... with light. Greetings Rosamaria, I add to the friendly people. Hello, Pino La fotografia è essa stessa emozione, e se non la trasmette... allora resta una semplice immagine. Pensa che le poesie vengono scritte con la penna, ... le foto...con la luce. Un saluto Rosamaria, ti aggiungo alle persone amiche. Ciao, Pino |

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