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| sent on April 11, 2016 (0:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
great shot of a beautiful mixed group ! ;-) A salutone Claudio :-P Francis ottimo scatto di un bel gruppo misto ! un salutone Claudio francesco |
| sent on April 11, 2016 (8:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Francis. Thanks for the ride. :-) Ciao Francesco. Grazie del passaggio. |
| sent on July 19, 2019 (20:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello, Claudius. A shot that I like and that represents well the moment caught with the snipe and small urwes in migration. In the middle of the group I also noticed two coral gulls, a very small seagull in the middle of the frame that looks like a gullto??? but I'm not sure and another seagull, quetsa time all on the right (the one in front of everyone) and that just I have no idea what seagull it is... Could you confirm my claims about the gull and tell me, since you're much more experienced than me than what seagull is the one on the right? A greeting Fra Ciao, Claudio. Uno scatto che mi piace e che rappresente bene il momento colto con i beccapesci e i chiurli piccoli in migrazione. In mezzo al gruppo ho notato anche due gabbiani corallini, un gabbiano molto molti piccolo al centro del fotogramma che mi sembra un gabbianello??? ma non ne sono sicuro e un altro gabbiano, quetsa volta tutto sulla destra (quello davanti a tutti) e quello proprio non ho idea di quale gabbiano si tratti... Potresti confermare le mie affermazioni sul gabbianello e dirmi, visto che sei molto molto più esperto di me di che gabbiano si tratta quello sulla destra? Un saluto Fra |
| sent on July 19, 2019 (20:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The one on the right is a first-year coral. Okay, the adult cage in the middle of the frame. Excellent observations Francis :-) Quello sulla destra è un corallino di primo anno. Ok il gabbianello adulto al centro del fotogramma. Ottime osservazioni Francesco |
| sent on July 19, 2019 (20:54) | This comment has been translated
Very very nice! |
| sent on July 19, 2019 (21:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you very much Claudio! As long as they're still adults. When it starts: first winter, first summer young first year etc in the larids I still have to learn a lot... but I see I'm getting better fast Grazie mille Claudio! Fin che sono adulti ancora ancora. Quando si comincia: primo inverno, prima estate giovani primo anno ecc nei laridi devo ancora imparare molto... ma vedo che sto migliorando in fretta |
| sent on July 19, 2019 (21:15) | This comment has been translated
| sent on July 20, 2019 (11:50) | This comment has been translated
Really nice, congratulations! |
| sent on July 20, 2019 (12:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Luigi Grazie Luigi |
| sent on July 20, 2019 (16:55)
Excellent flight shot with beautiful colors. Nice poses, background and composition. Regards, Satish. |
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