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| sent on April 07, 2016 (11:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Nice picture! I would say that lethal weapon, and 'the subject :-D ... a greeting! Simone. Bella foto! Direi che l'arma letale e' il soggetto ...un saluto! Simone. |
| sent on April 07, 2016 (11:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Nice picture! I would say that lethal weapon, and 'the subject :-D ... a greeting! Simone. Bella foto! Direi che l'arma letale e' il soggetto ...un saluto! Simone. |
| sent on April 07, 2016 (12:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful photo! As for the weapon ... to posterity will judge !!!! hello, Annamaria Bellissima foto! Per quanto riguarda l'arma...ai posteri l'ardua sentenza!!!! ciao, Annamaria |
| sent on April 08, 2016 (12:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I had already 'uploaded a photo of this person, more' special and less trivial given the context, but this left them in the drawer then I found as well in this shot discrete values ??that I had perhaps escaped and beyond the ironic title admit that I quite like, the sun plays a lot with reflections of the hair and the body contour and apart from the gutter that I can not take off and 'one click by at least sufficiency. Hi G avevo gia' caricato una foto di questo soggetto,piu' particolare e meno banale visto il contesto,ma questa rimaneva li nel cassetto poi ho trovato pure in questo scatto discreti valori che mi erano forse sfuggiti ed al di la dell'ironico titolo ammetto che mi piace abbastanza,il sole gioca molto coi riflessi dei capelli ed il profilo del corpo ed a parte la grondaia che non posso togliere e' uno scatto da almeno la sufficienza. Ciao G |
| sent on April 08, 2016 (15:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
It depends on your point of view. I would risk both. Beautiful photo Giorgio, bravo. Hello Paul PS If you want I hope developments also illustrate the following. Dipende dai punti di vista. Io rischierei con entrambe. Bella foto Giorgio, bravo. Ciao Paolo P.S. In caso di sviluppi spero vorrai illustrare anche il seguito. |
| sent on April 08, 2016 (22:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I admit that before you make the choice of ML 4/3 Pana was voted in Canon, and was not a risk, I admit that if I had a few years younger and brazenness in more 'I would take the second ... but blessed is he who will' explode 'loose cannon' .... back to us admit, however, that the beautiful remains beautiful, eye pleasing watching any cosa.sia it a landscape, an animal, a flower, a human being, certainly gives us pleasure falls outside of the context that sometimes it pays crea..e ... hello G ammetto che prima di far la scelta della ML 4/3 Pana ero votato a Canon,e non era certo un rischio,ammetto che se avessi qualche anno meno e sfacciataggine in piu' mi prenderei anche il secondo...ma beato chi fara' esplodere la 'mina vagante'....tornando a noi ammetti comunque che il bello rimane bello ,la piacevolezza dell'occhio che guarda qualsiasi cosa.sia essa un paesaggio ,un animale,un fiore,un essere umano ,certo ci dona piacere esulando dal contesto che a volte si crea..e questo paga...ciao G |
| sent on April 11, 2016 (23:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I do not know, I have to think about it !! nice shot Hello Fabrizio non so, devo pensarci!! bello scatto Ciao Fabrizio |
| sent on April 12, 2016 (21:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
... Take all the time you want ... but I think then go to finish them .... thanks and hello G ...prenditi tutto il tempo che vuoi...ma credo che poi vai a finire....li,grazie e ciao G |
| sent on April 13, 2016 (14:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A beautiful street where, in all honesty, the blond person is much more interesting than the other .... ;-): -o Bravo Giorgio! Hello, Roberto Una bella street dove, in tutta onestà, il biondo soggetto é molto più interessante dell'altro.... Bravo Giorgio! Ciao, Roberto |
| sent on April 13, 2016 (20:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
... After almost an hour that you took photos in the parade sweeps and she was at the opposite side of the road, give me ....., from boy, I could not escape, so even though a good portion of the shots had addressed logically to the event (almost 150 km I am made!) it was logical that 'I took care of' his moves and you confirmed to me that the click and 'discreet, thanks then and hello G ...dopo quasi un'ora che si scattava foto alla sfilata degli spazzacamini e lei era alla parte opposta della strada,concedimi.....,da maschietto,non mi poteva scappare,quindi anche se una buona parte degli scatti era rivolto,logicamente alla manifestazione(quasi 150 km mi son fatto!) era logico che 'curavo' le sue mosse e voi mi confermate che lo scatto e' discreto,grazie allora e ciao G |
| sent on April 16, 2016 (12:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
good to entrami lovely hello :-P ottima a entrami molto bella ciao |
| sent on April 16, 2016 (23:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks to the two recent 'bad boys' Vittorio and Lello, hello G Grazie ai due ultimi 'ragazzacci' Vittorio e Lello,ciao G |
user42139 | sent on January 08, 2018 (21:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
very dangerous both .. :-D pericolosissime entrambe.. |
| sent on January 09, 2018 (23:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
... I would say dear Roberto that the SLR will damage so much will not 'more' in time than while if you fall in love with a girl so '.... then it will be' hard to forget ... hello G ...direi caro Roberto che la reflex per tanto che ti possa danneggiare non andra' piu' in la di tanto mentre se ti invaghisci di una tipa cosi'....poi sara' dura dimenticare...ciao G |

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