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hello nice to have here!...

Spagna Marocco Turchia e Terra Sa

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hello nice to have here! sent on January 24, 2016 (8:38) by Elfiche. 283 comments, 14327 views. [retina]

at 135mm, 1/400 f/7.1, ISO 100, hand held.

Pammukkale turchia

View High Resolution 16.8 MP  

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sent on February 01, 2016 (18:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Strong !! -D :-)

sent on February 01, 2016 (18:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you for your speech give me strength!

sent on February 07, 2016 (21:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Forte her, the pictures, the title and author.
Ironic, fun, positive.
Those who can not take itself too seriously has something extra, just like this picture!
Sincere compliments. ;-)

sent on February 07, 2016 (21:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on February 07, 2016 (22:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

All strong, even the -D size, congratulations for all 8-)

Claudio C

sent on February 07, 2016 (22:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A little picture pretty good, and the protagonist is very strong, congratulations. :-P
A greeting

sent on February 07, 2016 (22:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

You are extraordinary in Iceland to Greece and to write comments
Thank you

sent on February 07, 2016 (22:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

No longer is seen is not where he is from
Thanks for the comment

sent on February 07, 2016 (22:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Claudio

sent on February 07, 2016 (23:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It is truly a photo soft :-) :-D

sent on February 08, 2016 (19:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Certainly not true Hard Luigi
Thanks for your comments

sent on February 08, 2016 (19:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you make me strong

sent on February 12, 2016 (12:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

nice picture...!!!

sent on February 12, 2016 (15:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Jakye

sent on February 14, 2016 (10:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Strong :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Hi Davide

sent on February 14, 2016 (10:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

David, thank you

sent on February 14, 2016 (14:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Forte, greetings andrea

sent on February 14, 2016 (14:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Andrea you are kind
Thank you

sent on February 28, 2016 (23:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful photo, good composition and very nice complimentiwow!
Hi Paul :-)

sent on February 28, 2016 (23:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice picture 8-) :-D

RCE Foto

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