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  4. » 2 Week Landscape

2 Week Landscape...

Progetto fotografico 52 settimane

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2 Week Landscape sent on January 14, 2016 (20:44) by Talisman. 5 comments, 1388 views. [retina]

at 10mm, 1/60 f/9.0, ISO 250, hand held. Colli San Rizzo, Italy.

Seconda settimana. Landscape. Messina, colli san rizzo, santuario di Dinnammare, l'occhio vaga libero in ogni direzione, dalla calabria alla punta di capo milazzo, dalla madonnina protrettrice di Messina all'Etna.

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sent on January 19, 2016 (21:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The sun a little set back for my taste, but the image is there and can be appreciated for the beautiful soft light and sharpness generale.lo scenario is large and the dominant position must rest not only those who have to get Scarpinato but also those who view photo, and you succeeded.
I would correct if you can affect the green and the rocks in the foreground that are too laden with cyano second me.vista also the warm glow of the moment to a scaldatina wb and a correction selective saturation of blue on the rocks for me would not hurt.

sent on January 19, 2016 (22:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Simon, meanwhile through the passage and the comment indeed accurate, there were users who comment on it!
Regarding the position of the sun I made several shots with the sun less decentralized in this session, but covering the photos home that I most enjoyed was this.
I have not actually touched the wb, having opened slightly shadows may in fact have taken a cyanotic hue typical of the shadow that I have not considered, I try to change something and see the result. Thank you for your suggestion.

sent on January 19, 2016 (22:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Here is a corrected version, let me know what you think

sent on January 20, 2016 (22:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

it is certainly better for the cyan dominant on the rocks, the only thing that I think you touched.
I also put hand to the green and the sky, I think there is too cyan.
I propose two different solutions made with two adjustments diverse.se photoshop and you can not open the psd can appreciate the adjustments made.
with a selective color correction going to take away from cyan cyan, green and yellow
the other more invasive with color balance going to heat up the midtones and shadows veering towards yellow and rosso.il sunset lights and the light on the first floor also buy a nice warm tone.
See if you can come in handy
you can click the link to Dropbox Download them on your PC and open them with photoshop to see the adjustment layer coni values ??used, but then they go to taste



sent on July 16, 2018 (19:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really lovely place! :-) Congratulations!

RCE Foto

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